Then orinoco-modules is broken for poodle. This stuff happens when stuff is blindly compiled.
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I found out what was going wrong. I had to redownload the orinoco-modules and orinoco-modules-cs packages directly onto the zaurus somewhere and install right from the device (rather than from Qtopa Desktop).
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(BTW - is your moniker from the old CDROM driver?).
I am currently trying Hentges image. Seems to be working MUCH better on Poodle that the standard distribution although I still have occasional suspend issues.
Regarding the Socket WLAN card (which I used to use under the Sharp ROM):
I can get Mickey's Wellenreiter to run nicely with my socket card which is identical to yours - but as you found, if I even try to call the opie-network applet or execute any form of the iwconfig command, it totally locks up (with the card still flashing).
I get the following errors in dmsg:
orinoco.c 0.13e (David Gibson <> and others)
spectrum_cs.c 0.4.2 (Pavel Roskin <> and others)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfd20) does not match type (0x0021)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129544 to 8 bytes. (rid=0xfd20, len=0xfd05)
eth0: Station identity 0002:0001:4920:2000
eth0: Looks like a Lucent/Agere firmware version 18720.8192
eth0: Ad-hoc demo mode supported
eth0: IEEE standard IBSS ad-hoc mode supported
eth0: WEP supported, 104-bit key
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc01) does not match type (0x5e00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129030 to 6 bytes. (rid=0xfc01, len=0xfc04)
eth0: MAC address 14:1C:01:00:20:49
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc0e) does not match type (0x7200)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129058 to 34 bytes. (rid=0xfc0e, len=0xfc12)
eth0: Station name "m I"
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfd10) does not match type (0x72ff)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129538 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfd10, len=0xfd02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc06) does not match type (0x72ff)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129022 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc06, len=0xfc00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc83) does not match type (0x722b)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc83, len=0xfc02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc25) does not match type (0x722b)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129022 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc25, len=0xfc00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc0c) does not match type (0x7264)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc0c, len=0xfc02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid (0xfc0d) does not match type (0x7264)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc0d, len=0xfc02)
eth0: ready
eth0: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, irq 39, io 0xf6000000-0xf6000047
From everything I have seen here and elsewhere, it is apparently a bad orinoco module in the kernel.
Can you tell me exactly which one(s) you found that got you at least to the "ping" stage?