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Messages - SteveConley

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5x00 General discussions / Sl5600 Can't Execute Rc0.d, Rc6.d ?
« on: January 22, 2006, 08:14:50 pm »
Well, I found a way to make it work reliably. Not quite happy with it but it may explain the issues I have seen a number of people complain about.

It seems that one of the only ways to get code executed on shutdown or reboot via GUI is to put the code in /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt. Apparently none of the rc0.d or rc6.d stuff is "really" executed by Zaurus (at least on Watapon ROM 1.6.1). But I suspect this is a general Sharp ROM issue.

When I put the umount of the Python image, the swapoff and the umount of the SD card all in the halt - I get a clean remount every time!

And I got one ZERO times with the code in the "proper" places.

So I am going with that for the moment.

When I am confident that this setup works reliably for a month or so, I will post the exact setup on my site. (And a pointer here in the Watapon reference).

5x00 General discussions / Sl5600 Can't Execute Rc0.d, Rc6.d ?
« on: January 20, 2006, 07:33:29 am »
I am using the Watapon (1.6.1) ROM, an ext2 SD, a swapfile on same and putting the Python ext2 image.

With minor changes to some of the published scripts I have this working.

When I manually execute the scripts in rc0.d or rc6.d and the rc.5 everything works fine and the ext of the python image and the sd come up clean.

Unfortunately if I execute "shutdown -r now" or the reboot gui app, both ext systems come up not clean.

This matches the problem that I had with using a fat on the SD - eventually I would loose files.

On digging into this, I find that "apparently" the real rc.d is in /home/root/etc. This one is readonly and its own rc0.d and rc6.d that have only one entry "halt" and it is the halt in the /home/root/etc/init.d.

So it is my belief that the /etc/rc.d/rc0.d and rc6.d are not being executed at all when using shutdown or the gui app.

Is there a way around this? I can't figure out a way to really figure out what is executed in a power down (specifically on a Zaurus). I find plenty of docs on the specific startup, but not on shut down.

Does anyone have some clues I can follow?

Sharp ROMs / Watapon Rom Test
« on: September 26, 2005, 07:10:47 am »
Of course it is compatable with the px255.  They are essentially the same!

Just use that memory applet to create a swap file on either your cf card or your sd card.  Then your memory problems will be gone.
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Actually I don't think that was necessary for the email or browser to work - but it is a good idea. I do use a 32MB swap file to allow me to read very large MS DOC files with many images. I am rather impressed with its ability to read doc files and swap - MS windows tends to die when it needs to use a swap file.

I can also look at large image files taken with my Canon RebelXT - but it is SLOW. I am still looking for a faster image viewer - but in theory it is a tough problem because a jpg must be expanded and for the RebelXT that is a 24MB+ bitmap. (8.2MB * 3 colors).

Sharp ROMs / Watapon Rom Test
« on: September 25, 2005, 09:48:32 pm »
Hi, I have been reading good things about the Watapon rom, so I decided to give it a test, It looks great!

I have one snagg tho, and im not sure if its a problem with the distro or not.

I followed the steps, doing the flash from CF, then reset again and doing a format so I know i have the system installed correctly. 

When ever i try to execute either the web browser or the email client (both located under the internet tab) i run out of memory and the system wants to shut down.

I run a SL-5600 with a PXA255 chip, which also brings me to the 2nd comment, does anyone know if Watapon is compatible with the PXA255 ?

Any help would be great as I really like this flash version.


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I have a 5600 with PXA-250 rev4. Email and Browser work fine for me.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Oz3.5.3 (collie) On/off Button Problem
« on: September 25, 2005, 09:09:45 pm »
Sorry guys for the late reply ... but I have been on an extended journey out of the lower 48 and needed my Zaurus to work - so I loaded Watapon which worked great on my Poodle (SL5600 and Socket WLAN).

I will check back in on OZ eventually when I get a bit of time.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Cannot Get Socket Wifi Card To Work Under Oz 3.5.3
« on: September 25, 2005, 09:08:42 pm »
Sorry guys for the late reply ... but I have been on an extended journey out of the lower 48 and needed my Zaurus to work - so I loaded Watapon which worked great on my Poodle (SL5600 and Socket WLAN).

I will check back in on OZ eventually when I get a bit of time.

Thanks vektortgecko, but that is the conclusion I was coming to - a byte pointer was somewhat off somewhere ...

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Cannot Get Socket Wifi Card To Work Under Oz 3.5.3
« on: September 25, 2005, 09:06:36 pm »
Sorry guys for the late reply ... but I have been on an extended journey out of the lower 48 and needed my Zaurus to work - so I loaded Watapon which worked great on my Poodle (SL5600 and Socket WLAN).

I will check back in on OZ eventually when I get a bit of time.

Sharp ROMs / Watapon ROM
« on: August 28, 2005, 09:03:28 am »

Must say you have done a great job from the looks of it.

I have tried OZ3.5.3, Hentges, etc. All seem to have issue with the 5600.

Loaded this up in desperation yesterday instead of going back to Sharp and everything I have tried works. Especially with my Socket WLAN Wireless card.

Do you have a PayPal account for donations?

(Also, Dreadlocks, thanks for your efforts too).

I have found several more of my old apps that work Out-of-the-box just fine like PalmStudy, Powerchord, eng-spa.dict, etc. I will be loading up more today and testing.

Does anyone know what the best (fastest) app to review digicam pics with? The imageviewer "works" but it is so slow.

Thanks much,

5x00 General discussions / 5600 And Openzaurus
« on: August 27, 2005, 04:53:19 pm »
I remimber trying openzaurus last year and while it looked and ran great on my 5600 it still had some very annoying and crippling bugs.

I'm thinking of flashing it to my Zaurus again and trying it out?  Anyone out there with a 5600 running openzaurus care to share your experience?  Is it still very buggy or is it stable enouph now.
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The stock 3.5.3 still has a bad suspend problem for poodles. But Hentges ROM - a late July release works really well UNLESS you are trying to get a Socket/Spectrum Low Power Wireless card to work.

Be sure to check out the Altboot feature - get a 512MB or so SD card (very cheap now) - run the root (and potentially home) off the card and forget your memory worries.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Oz3.5.3 (collie) On/off Button Problem
« on: August 27, 2005, 04:48:08 pm »
I just installed 3.5.3 on my poodle yesterday.  I've read this thread, and it's great to see that the problem with the APM suspend has been partially resolved. 

I've found the instructions at for how to fix the problem on the collie.  However, I don't know how that can help me, since I have a poodle.

Has anyone figured out how to repair the problem on an SL5600?

Thanks for the hard work, guys.
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Here is the state of things as I see it. I have posted regarding these, but the current edition of the Hentges image is quite good - the suspend is a least mostly fixed. I still had a few problems but far far less. Unfortunately it does not work with the Socket WLAN Low Power card. Or at least I was never able to get it to. Apparently it has a bad copy of the Orinico in as a kernel load so it cannot be replaced.

The stock 3.5.3 image unfortunately also has a bad orinoco module but for a different reason. It  does not have the spectrum_cs "in" it apparently. And of course it has the suspend issue.

So if you don't have a Socket WLAN card, I highly recommend the Hentges image.

But for me, since I need the unit for the next three weeks, I am going to have to go back to Sharp ROM - so I can get wifi. I have not had the time (due to working overtime at work) to try to setup a build environment which appears like it will take several days.

I think I found something ...

Hentges image, Poodle, Socket WLAN,

Noticed this error in logread and tried to execute directly from command line:

root@poodle:/etc/pcmcia# hostap_fw_load "eth0"
Host AP driver data for device eth0 not found in procfs.

Now if I can just find what procfs it is referring to ...

This is from logread:
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.warn kernel: hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129030 to 6 bytes. (rid=0xfc01, len=0xfc04)
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.debug kernel: eth0: MAC address 14:1C:01:00:02:88
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.warn kernel: hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc0e) does not match type (0x7200)
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.warn kernel: hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc0d) does not match type (0x7264)
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.warn kernel: hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc0d, len=0xfc02)
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.debug kernel: eth0: ready
Jul 29 14:20:39 poodle user.debug kernel: eth0: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, irq 39, io 0xf6000000-0xf6000047
Jul 29 14:20:40 poodle cardmgr[3528]: executing: './network start eth0 2>&1'
Jul 29 14:20:40 poodle cardmgr[3528]: + Invalid command : reset
Jul 29 14:20:41 poodle cardmgr[3528]: + Host AP driver data for device eth0 not found in procfs.
Jul 29 14:20:41 poodle cardmgr[3528]: + run-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/hostap-fw-load exited with return code 1: Success

The other weird part is the mis-interpretation of the MAC address, it is really:
MAC 00 A0 F8 5E 14 1C

instead of the
MAC address 14:1C:01:00:02:88 that is shows above

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / New Hentges Rom Release Candidate
« on: August 24, 2005, 09:09:12 pm »
Is it practical to move home onto the SD ext image?
I see what you want... and I believe it's possible. You will have to take a look at the script and try to modify it accordingly.

Let us know how it works out.  

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BTW, this worked fine. Just had to alter a few scripts. I haven't published a "cookbook" yet because I am back to just testing Hentges on the internal FLASH (no SD involved) because I am trying to get my Socket WLAN to work (with something besides Wellenreiter).  And also trying to just test stability before I commit to it.

MSCDEX in a separate thread said he fixed the problem I was having with the Socket  wireless card by re-installing the orinoco and orinoco_cs modules from the feed. I tried that and it went downhill. I get an exception dump on adding the card. (Machine doesn't crash - but the card is not "recognized"). I think that is because Hentges image already has a "newer" version. I don't believe MSCDEX was running Hentges.

Forgot I still had this topic open. The problem I was having ended up being I was trying to install/reinstall the orinoco-modules and orinoco-modules-cs packages through Qtopia Desktop. As soon as I installed them right from the device itself, things worked fine for me.
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Hmmm, that is not my issue because Hentges image comes with them installed.
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BTW, I re-installed the Orinoco from the 3.5.3 feed (this seemed to be what you were saying) from the machine/Poodle directory and now I get a exception dump everytime I insert the card:

orinoco.c 0.13e (David Gibson <> and others)
spectrum_cs.c 0.4.2 (Pavel Roskin <> and others)
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 000e0031
pgd = c1090000
*pgd = a108f001, *pmd = a108f001, *pte = 00000000, *ppte = 00000000
Internal error: Oops: ffffffff
CPU: 0
pc : [<c39d67e0>]    lr : [<c00f2364>]    Tainted: P
sp : c1b4bc20  ip : 000e0001  fp : c1b4bc34
r10: c032ba60  r9 : 0001bf90  r8 : 00000000
r7 : 00000000  r6 : c1b4bcc4  r5 : c39e0a14  r4 : 000000bc
r3 : 00000000  r2 : c1210800  r1 : c01bff4a  r0 : c1210800
Flags: nzCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode SVC_32  Segment user
Control: 197F  Table: A1090000  DAC: 00000015  PID:  0
Process cardmgr (pid: 1261, stackpage=c1b4b000)
Stack: (0xc1b4bc10 to 0xc1b4c000)

So that was definitely downhill - I presume that Hentges ROM already had a new version.

Forgot I still had this topic open. The problem I was having ended up being I was trying to install/reinstall the orinoco-modules and orinoco-modules-cs packages through Qtopia Desktop. As soon as I installed them right from the device itself, things worked fine for me.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=92876\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

Hmmm, that is not my issue because Hentges image comes with them installed.

Then orinoco-modules is broken for poodle. This stuff happens when stuff is blindly compiled.
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I found out what was going wrong. I had to redownload the orinoco-modules and orinoco-modules-cs packages directly onto the zaurus somewhere and install right from the device (rather than from Qtopa Desktop).

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(BTW - is your moniker from the old CDROM driver?).

I am currently trying Hentges image. Seems to be working MUCH better on Poodle that the standard distribution although I still have occasional suspend issues.

Regarding the Socket WLAN card (which I used to use under the Sharp ROM):

I can get Mickey's Wellenreiter to run nicely with my socket card which is identical to yours - but as you found, if I even try to call the opie-network applet or execute any form of the iwconfig command, it totally locks up (with the card still flashing).

I get the following errors in dmsg:

orinoco.c 0.13e (David Gibson <> and others)
spectrum_cs.c 0.4.2 (Pavel Roskin <> and others)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfd20) does not match type (0x0021)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129544 to 8 bytes. (rid=0xfd20, len=0xfd05)
eth0: Station identity 0002:0001:4920:2000
eth0: Looks like a Lucent/Agere firmware version 18720.8192
eth0: Ad-hoc demo mode supported
eth0: IEEE standard IBSS ad-hoc mode supported
eth0: WEP supported, 104-bit key
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc01) does not match type (0x5e00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129030 to 6 bytes. (rid=0xfc01, len=0xfc04)
eth0: MAC address 14:1C:01:00:20:49
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc0e) does not match type (0x7200)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129058 to 34 bytes. (rid=0xfc0e, len=0xfc12)
eth0: Station name "m  I"
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfd10) does not match type (0x72ff)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129538 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfd10, len=0xfd02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc06) does not match type (0x72ff)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129022 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc06, len=0xfc00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc83) does not match type (0x722b)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc83, len=0xfc02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc25) does not match type (0x722b)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129022 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc25, len=0xfc00)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc0c) does not match type (0x7264)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc0c, len=0xfc02)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: hermes_read_ltv(): rid  (0xfc0d) does not match type (0x7264)
hermes @ IO 0xf6000000: Truncating LTV record from 129026 to 2 bytes. (rid=0xfc0d, len=0xfc02)
eth0: ready
eth0: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, irq 39, io 0xf6000000-0xf6000047

From everything I have seen here and elsewhere, it is apparently a bad orinoco module in the kernel.

Can you tell me exactly which one(s) you found that got you at least to the "ping" stage?


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