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Messages - arisel

Pages: [1]
Gemini PDA - Sailfish OS / Pulseaudio wierdness
« on: May 03, 2019, 03:44:01 am »
Quote from: vader
Hopefully pulseaudio can be fixed (or removed) in future iterations, as this is a deal breaker.

I know that might seem counter-intuitive as it further complicates things: But maybe just add jackd to the stack.  On desktop systems I've had good luck for the last several years using pulseaudio-jack to build the stack as follows: alsa -> jackd -> pulseaudio. That way all the complex routing can be done in jack. Alsa I normally just use for some base volume, buffer and samplerate settings. Pulseaudio is only used for application volume settings.

Gemini PDA - Sailfish OS / Dosbox
« on: November 23, 2018, 05:18:41 pm »
Quote from: gabs5807
When i have a full map i can upload it (if some one is interested   ).

I am.

Gemini PDA - Sailfish OS / The path ahead for SFOS on Gemini?
« on: September 22, 2018, 05:45:03 am »
Quote from: ArchiMark
Quote from: vader
Quote from: ArchiMark
Why does Jolla restrict the sale of it so tightly?

Seems pretty strange to put it mildly.

It could be an EU thing - can't remember if Jolla got funds from the EU. They are expanding into other markets (non EU countries), so maybe they can now do it. With all the publicity over the PC-jolla collaboration, I can't imaging they would exclude the majority of gemini sales. Maybe PC will do the sales/distribution.

We should find out soon (well in the next few months) - when OS3 is released.

Here's hoping!

Thanks for the possible explanation.....

We shall see what happens....

It might also be due to their licensing of aliendalvik or the maps application.
If it's like that, they'd need to be sure that the US user base will be big enough for them to return the costs.

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