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Topics - MeaninglessNick

Pages: [1]
Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Pwm/pi In Openzaurus
« on: February 18, 2005, 04:04:47 pm »
Has anyone thought about/tried packaging pwm/pi (the password manager from kdepim/pi) for openzaurus?  I might eventually get motivated to do so (I have not got an OZ cross compilation environment going yet), but not if there insoluable confilicts etc...

Accessories / 1G MMC Kingmax
« on: November 16, 2004, 08:19:40 pm »
I noticed Kingmax 1G MMC at New Egg

Is it worth getting MMC versus SD, on the premise that there may be reasonable open source drivers for it someday?

Security and Networking / dhcpcd versus wireless router SMC2804WBRP-G
« on: November 13, 2004, 09:11:35 pm »
I have been trying for several hours to get my shiny new SL6000L to pick up an
IP address from my SMC wireless router. If I manually set the IP address
then the wlan0 interface seems to work fine.
My router logs show an offer being sent, and record the lease as granted. Mind you,
the router could be being optimistic.

dhcpcd just seems to time out, no matter what I set the timeout to. Invoking from
the network interface front end or from the command line does not seem to make a difference.

Is a package for dhclient available for the Sharp ROM?  I guess I wouldn't mind
changing ROMs eventually, but it all seems a bit alpha-test at the moment.

6000 - Tosa / Anybody other than Amazon selling 6000's
« on: October 28, 2004, 04:03:34 pm »
I thought it might be worth picking up an SL6000  (I guess 6000L is the wifi one)  at the clearance price, but
Amazon/Amazon Marketplace will not ship to Canada, and PC Connection does not seem to list them

I need  new, in box with warrantee, pay by Visa/PO, ship by USPS  (well, not UPS)

Any ideas?

[ Update, Nov. 13.  I ordered from Getpartsonline, as suggested below.  I took about 3 days to get to canada and a week to get through customs and to me.  Seems to work fine, although I'm having some issues with dhcp off my router that I might post about later. ]

6000 - Tosa / Rest mass
« on: April 06, 2004, 08:51:19 am »
The only data I could come up with (web mag reviews) the
SLC 860 is 8.8 oz-- 9.5oz while the SL-6000 (according to pcconnection) is 7.1 oz.  

This does not seem right to me. Can anyone confirm the
actual values?  Preferably in metric :-)

Pages: [1]