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Topics - baptista

Pages: [1]
5x00 General discussions / How To Change Office 2003 By 2002 Xp
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:09:25 pm »
I would like a help for sustituing the office 2003 that I have now in my notebook for the 2000 XP because I need to syncroniza the collie and I can´t do it with the actual version, I would like not to loose the data I have in calendar and contacts. I work also with a wm5 ppc but I need the two machines. Thanks

Software / Kopi And Kapi
« on: September 20, 2007, 12:46:45 pm »
Please, anybody may help me leaving the ipkg for Kopi and Kapi on the forum?. The mirror to Brasil only send corrupt files.TIA
PS. Excuse my lack of memory. The version I work is 2.2.5

Accessories / Cf Card
« on: April 09, 2007, 11:52:20 am »
Hi people: I´m working with my collie with a 500Mb card type II. Now for a mistake I received a card type I with 1 GB. Any problem to read the data and transfer it for ancient to new card?.
Thanks for any help

Software / Kdepimpi 2.2.5
« on: July 25, 2006, 03:50:19 pm »
I have being working usually with this new stable version 2.2.5, that I liked very much. But I certainly had a bad sync or something so, and the the icons of Kapi or Kopi never more worked.
Then I unistalled the program, that was in SD card and try to reinstall. Ever I obtained the same answer when I try to install in the SD:
 The extract of some files are failed. This application may not execute normaly. When you cannot operate this application please remove it, and the advise OK,
Pressing the button the answer: This application is available only for main memory. Please install it in the main memory.... What to do?. I reload many times the archives ipk and the same thing.. How I can install from the Terminal the targz package, what is the command?
Any help people? Thanks very much. I can´t return to the ancient Pim...

5x00 General discussions / Backuping Up The 5500
« on: July 14, 2006, 05:04:57 pm »
Hi. May I backup the 5500 with the program included in the v. 3.13 ROM that appears to be made for the 5600? It make the back in the desktop, and appears to be interesting. Any help? Thanks

Software / Fbreader
« on: January 18, 2006, 02:16:11 pm »
Hi Geometer, I liked the new reader, but I can´t set the paths for the books, the mine are quite all in g-zip. Samething for the info about the books.
May you help me please?

The path is :/usr/mnt.rom/cf/Documents/application/x-gzip
Thanks in advance for any other explication

5x00 General discussions / Overclock Tool
« on: April 25, 2005, 02:53:41 pm »
Hi people: I would like to have your opinion about the ovetclock tool of ZSI, may be dangereous?
Thanks in advance

General Discussion / KOPI and dtm PIM
« on: November 18, 2004, 03:54:11 pm »
When I installed the KOPI v.1.7.7 in my SL 5500 v.3.13 ROM, everything with KOPI is ok, but I can´t open the calendar PIM, why?. I would like to be able to have the two options. Any help? Thanks

Software / Posts locked?
« on: October 27, 2004, 02:16:33 pm »
Hi lardman:
Why my two posts in this page appears to locked? May, please, to explain it?

Software / Zaurus PIM and KOPI
« on: October 16, 2004, 01:41:35 pm »
Hi Tumnus, I use the KOPI PIM in my SL 5500 ROm v3.13, but why I can´t use at the same time the calendar PIM,it explodes but not open .Of course it is not needed at all, but....

Software / Syncing KOPI
« on: October 16, 2004, 01:24:15 pm »
Now that I´m seeing zautrix in the forum I would like to say that I make the sync with the desktop, uploading the mybackup.ics in the folder korganizer and after uploadind this backup with the program open. It advise that the data will be lost but really it is not so. I have made many experiences.
Many thanks for your program zx. I´m yet in the version 1.7.7

Software / Syncing Kopi
« on: May 18, 2004, 02:17:24 pm »
Of course ftp does´nt function on Zaurus 5500 with the 3.13 ROM, I would like the help of someone for sincronizing with the KOPI on windows.
The only form to do it, for now... is to get the mybackup.ics that appears clearly in the CF card, and via the Zaurus file transfer,  drag and drop it to the Korganizer folder, then I can sync via file..load calendar backup.
I think this is not a smart manner of making things.
I saw in the How to section that the communication with windows is via samba...but i\'m lost.
Any help please.Tia

Software / Syncing KOPI....
« on: April 29, 2004, 02:33:33 pm »
Hi zautrix: I´m following your great work, now my Pim is KOPI!, wich by coincidence have the same format of the ancient Zaurus 3500. I´m trying to sync with the windows version, but I can´t do it via usb. I would like to bore you a bit...and ask to you give me a hand. Thanks a lot

Software / QTJournal don´t work
« on: December 22, 2003, 06:41:16 am »
I can´t place to work the QTJournal wit Rom 3.13. Any sugestions?

Sharp ROMs / New rom.Help
« on: September 28, 2003, 02:27:40 pm »
Please:I would like to have some ordered instructions to follow for updating the v 3.10 to the new one 3.13. I have a 5500. I have an old CF with sometinhgs that I can remove. How to do it and upload the new files.
Thanks for the help

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