Angstrom & OpenZaurus / What Are Your Favorite Gpe Tweaks?
« on: July 13, 2006, 01:13:33 pm »
I always finds gems here and there on great ideas for enhancing how you use the interface. I thought it might be nice to have them collected in one thread. I'll post a few of mine and hopefully others will share theirs:
Being able to use the LCD softkeys and the space between them is great. I've mapped the space below the Book icon to toggle hiding the panel. Being able to hide the panel is useful, but trying to bring it back can be difficult sometimes, so in /etc/keylaunchrc.matchbox I've modified the following line:
Doing a lot of command line typing I get tired of the shift+"/" to get the slash. I use it much more than I use commas so I modified the /etc/keymap-2.6.map so it's the comma that requires the shift:
And finally I like to spice up the prompt with a bit of color, see attached screenshot, by changing the PS1 statement:
What are some your special tweaks?
Being able to use the LCD softkeys and the space between them is great. I've mapped the space below the Book icon to toggle hiding the panel. Being able to hide the panel is useful, but trying to bring it back can be difficult sometimes, so in /etc/keylaunchrc.matchbox I've modified the following line:
Code: [Select]
key=....F30:-:~matchbox-remote -panel-toggle
Doing a lot of command line typing I get tired of the shift+"/" to get the slash. I use it much more than I use commas so I modified the /etc/keymap-2.6.map so it's the comma that requires the shift:
Code: [Select]
keycode 51 = slash comma
And finally I like to spice up the prompt with a bit of color, see attached screenshot, by changing the PS1 statement:
Code: [Select]
PS1='\[\033[1;37m\][\[\033[1;32m\]\[\033[1;31m\]\u@\h:\w\[\033[1;37m\]] # \[\033[0;0m\]'
What are some your special tweaks?