Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Suspend Take 10s
« on: April 19, 2006, 09:13:12 am »
Hello, since I tryed upgrade (because wpa support) suspend is very slow. I have tryed format and unpack my root fylesystem (sd card) but it doesn't help.
Problem is that after pressing Cancel for 1s (normal suspend call - SL5500 don't have on/off button) my sl5500 freeze for about 10s ant after that turn off display and go to sleep.
In dmesg I have found this:
Interesting is also this:
What does this mean?
Problem is that after pressing Cancel for 1s (normal suspend call - SL5500 don't have on/off button) my sl5500 freeze for about 10s ant after that turn off display and go to sleep.
In dmesg I have found this:
Code: [Select]
monitor_hotplug: agent: usbd interface: monitor action: suspend
usbdmonitor: warning - hotplug script timed out
monitor_pm_event: suspend finished (rc=0)
Interesting is also this:
Code: [Select]
# find / -name hotplug
find: /etc/hostplug: Input/output error
What does this mean?