« on: May 18, 2005, 12:14:49 pm »
finally cross-compiled and copied to zaurus:
[img]http://www.gfdsa.org/~gfdsa/scrn001.png\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]
what it gives:
easy session management through shell scripts, for now i use 2 sessions 'Console' and 'Qtopia', logs into both, upon exit returns to login
knows to handle automatic logins for lazies upon timeout
discovered that starting X is hardcoded, so X is started by qingy itself, not a big deal, may be safely removed, or adapted to X based roms
uses pretty much of memory until logged in, but may be due lack of suuport of multi-applications in underlying derictfb lib
does not recognize FN modifier, thus no numbers in password
did not yet found a way to represent TS as mouse
some time to continue polishing and hacking
some help to make a picture and theme
some contribution with session scripts
some contribution to make an "QPE/System 'shutdown()'" applet
P.S. if someone needs it on his Z, contact me, ill send a tarball and some instructions