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Topics - jpmatrix

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Off Topic forum / Goodbye Zaurus World !
« on: March 18, 2008, 11:11:22 am »
hello zaurus users,

this is probably one of my last visit to the oesf forum... i've finally sold my zaurus C3000 (bought in january 2005!) and i bought a fujitsu u1010...

good bye to all people here and thank you for your help !

so keep up the good work, you know you have the best (pocketable!) device ever

Debian / Gpsbabel Problem
« on: February 25, 2008, 08:13:28 am »
following this guide :

i tried to convert an nmea dump file by :

1-dumping the data with

echo rw | nc localhost 2947 > test.dump

the test.dump file seems to contain some nmea data.

2-convert the dump to gpx (i also tried kml) with :

gpsbabel -i nmea -f test.dump -o gpx -F gpsd.gpx

but gpsbabel kept running for some minutes and finally hung with a memory problem....
anyone has yet tried ?
(i've 480 Mo swap file configured under debian...)

Debian / Unknown Hz Value!
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:34:38 pm »
i've this error message each time i type a ps command :

Unkwnon HZ value! (87) Assume 100.

it seems it's an old bug:

any idea?

Debian / Battery Draining
« on: February 19, 2008, 10:32:51 am »
it seems i'm having quick battery draining when my zaurus is suspended while i'm under X...
am i the only one with this (main) problem ?

i think it started to happen with latest 2.6.23 and it is still happening with 2.6.24...

Debian / Matrixmen Feed Updated
« on: February 12, 2008, 03:34:20 pm »

back to the debian_zaurus business after some (great!) holidays

i've updated the matrixmen feed with most packages from ca1eb.

i've also created a ca1eb_deb for the packages which were unsuccessfully imported by reprepro (

Android / Molib
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:58:52 pm »

it is specially for people riding the french VĂ©lib bicycles in Paris !
i've tried and it works just great!

Android / Busibox For Android
« on: January 19, 2008, 05:48:37 pm »

how can we install that to the zaurus android ?

Android / Binderdev Messages
« on: January 19, 2008, 08:47:48 am »
when you switch from android to a console , there are a lot of binder_open / binder_release messages.
how can we suppress them ?

i tried to launch init with 2> /dev/null with no luck...

Android / Android With Internet Via A Gsm
« on: January 16, 2008, 10:45:05 am »
just a word to say that i'm succesfully running android with a ppp connexion to my internet provider via my nokia 6630, bluetooth tied to my zaurus !

before launching android :
-start bluetooth   (hciattach)
-start internet      (pon provider)

then i captured my dns setting in /etc/resolv.conf, i copied it to androit-chroot/dev/default.prop
then i launched android.

and i could launch google browser !

actually i modified the default.prop with my dns and i added the line:
net.ppp0.dns1 = xx.yy.zz.qq

and i modified the net.eth0.dns1 too. so i don't know which line is actually doing the job
(although i guess it should be the ppp0 line!)

Debian / On Which Zaurus Model Does Your Debian Run ?
« on: December 09, 2007, 05:52:18 pm »
just a little poll to see under which model of zaurus your debian run.

EDITED: Poll results, up to zogs :

Debian / Imap Email Live On Zaurus
« on: December 09, 2007, 09:12:02 am »
i've just found a great tool with into this blog : isync

this enables one to get all emails from an imap server, then you can read them offline on the zaurus.

1- apt-get install isync

2- cd

3- mkdir mail

4- cp /usr/share/doc/isync/examples/isyncrc.sample .isyncrc

5- nano .isyncrc
to customize default imap server, username and password (so you don't need to enter them after)

6- isync -1 -L -M ~/mail -a -s

et voila!

now you can read your local email on zaurus with mutt for example

mutt -f ~/mail/INBOX

Debian / Problem With Mc From Vitel
« on: December 04, 2007, 05:31:27 am »
i've just installed patched mc from New feeds thread. it worked great into mc : i could fn-9 for example to do function keys and so on, but now that i've exited from mc, it seems the keyboard is now very strange under X .... right now my zaurus is looping trying to open some windows i think under epiphany-webkit....
any idea vitel ?

Debian / Closing Lid Setting
« on: December 03, 2007, 06:05:02 am »
what is the defalut behaviour of closing the lid on debian zaurus ?
doest it suspend or does it just shut the screen off ?
where could we set that behaviour ?

Debian / Pokerth
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:33:40 pm »
apt-get install pokerth doesn't work because of broken here is a bypass :

as root :

cd ~

1- wget

2- dpkg -i libboost-thread1.34.1_1.34.1-2_armel.deb

3- wget

4- dpkg -i --force-depends pokerth_0.5+dfsg-1_armel.deb

5- cd /usr/lib

6- ln -s

then su as normal user, and

pokerth !

2 problems still :
-main window is too big for the zaurus screen
-debian version is the 0.5 and online server wants latest 0.6-beta5....

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