Hi guys,
I know about the article
http://www.kunstmusik.com/2006/08/25/gtd-with-korganizerpiwhich describes an approach to use Paul Allen's "Getting things done" paradigm with KO/PI.
However, that approach is not entirely what I need, because it disregards the, IMHO very important, bucket approach of GTD.
Actually, GTD speaks about "buckets" (context lists for actions), categorized by situations, e.g. one list for telephone calls, one for Internet recherche actions, one for things to be one at the office, one for things to be done in the home garage, one to be done in the car or when driving around etc. etc.
I think this is a very good system. Having heard of it a year ago, I only learned the details today, and now I want to change my time management system according to GTD.
This it what I have planed (not entirely identical to the method outlined in the articel above):
If I create trees of todos (hierarchical structures of sub-todos), one tree should be one project, the sub-todos being the actions of the project.
The actions of that project, however, must go into different "buckets", dependent on the situation in which they can be acoomplished.
For the buckets I wanted to use KO/PI's categories ("GTD-Telephone", "GTD-Internet", "GTD-Home", "GTD-Office", ...)
So, when writing down the actions for a project, I write them down as sub-todos for one parent-todo (the project), and apply the categories according to where / in what situation I can accomplish the todos.
E.g. if I enter the action "Look up tax tables on Internet" for the project "Taxes", I will put it into the category or bucket "GTD-Internet".
Then I can use a filter in order to see all todos from all projects which can be done in the current situation.
E.g. if I sit in front of the computer, I can activate the filter "GTD-Internet" and KO/PI shows me all todos from all projects which I have thrown into the "GTD-Internet" bucket, i.e. all actions which can be done using the intenet.
KO/PI seems indeed to be a very good tool for it, having only one problem:
If I have a parent-todo of category "GTD-Project" and that has a sub-todo with category "GTD-Internet", activating the filter "GTD-Project" only shows the parents. That's OK. But when activating the filter "GTD-Internet", the "GTD-Internet"-Sub-Todos are NOT shown, because their parents do not belong to that category.
So a work-around (tested) would be to apply all "GTD-*" categories to the parents, but that means a lot of maintenance work when adding a GTD "bucket" or when creating a new project.
So the key question is:
Does anyone know of a solution to make sub-todos show up in filters which their parents do not apply to?Or from the other point of view:
Does anyone know of a bucket-based GTD approach realizable with KO/PI?Thanks a lot