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Topics - adfh

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Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Battery life
« on: June 25, 2020, 09:29:10 pm »
Hey all,

Got my Cosmo late last year, and of late have noticed it draining through the battery a LOT faster than previously.

I use my Cosmo a LOT. Dual screening infront of the TV, car sat nav (the Planet car kit is the most solid car cradle I've ever used), Tidal streaming etc. etc. I don't leave it connected to the charger, and generally charge to 80%. Up until about a month ago, I could easily get a day plus before needing to charge. I have normally used the supplied Cosmo charger to charge it, but also have a USB C car charger (Belkin), a Huawei charger (also USB C, from my old Nexus 6P), and a Lenovo charger (USB A).

Now.. it's draining a LOT faster.

AccuBattery suggests that Firefox, phone calls etc. are all taking a lot more power.. though given that the native battery app doesn't report on individual app usage, I'm going to guess that AccuBattery guesses based upon active process + BMS overall drain reported, and perhaps it's something else sucking the battery dry faster.

I'm running v22 of the firmware, and run with CODI and keyboard backlight off most of the time (unless I want to use NFC or the second USB port, it stays off). Upgrading CODI was the usual hell (Airplane mode, NFC off, BT off, WiFi off, DnD on) and it's still telling me to update the firmware even though I'm apparently running the latest version.

Have I just hit the cycle limit on the battery - or is something else afoot?

Edit: It seems, besides the fact that there's never been proper per-app power utilisation built into the Cosmo, that its battery estimation calibration relies on it more frequently being charged to 100%. After I charged it using a slightly slower charger to 100%, and I unplugged it, it sat at 100% for around 30 minutes of active use before I stopped using it and went to bed. When I woke up, the rate of charge decline was also significantly slower. This suggests the battery management system is cutting some corners and can lose track of where non-extreme charge states are.

Has anyone else noticed this? I am running V20.

If I have the phone in (Planet -> Planet -> Force Rotate) portrait mode and I take a screenshot:
  • The aspect ratio is off
  • The quality of what's captured is poor
  • There's a lot of empty black space in the image
If I try to use some camera apps like Microsoft Office Lens in portrait mode:
  • The image is poor quailty
  • The aspect ratio is wrong
When I use Android's "barcode scanner" functionality (in Google Authenticator, or separately in standalone app):
  • The image preview is similarly corrupted to the way it is in Office Lens
  • Application is still able to successfully process QR codes

Cosmo Communicator - Android / BlueFrag patch?
« on: February 13, 2020, 06:39:36 am »
“BlueFrag” (CVE-2020-0022) is a bug with Android’s l2cap implementation. It affects all Android 8 and 9 devices with Bluetooth enabled, allowing for remote crashing and arbitrary code execution. It’s been assigned a Critical severity in the February Android Security Bulletin (A-143894715).

It looks that unlike a lot of other bugs that seem to be chipset specific, the issue lies with an Android component, so the Cosmo is likely affected. Has anyone heard if there's going to be a patch for this? Otherwise.. I reckon a good idea to turn off bluetooth in crowded areas unless you need it.

Cosmo Communicator - Android / Unpredictable volume control
« on: December 21, 2019, 01:32:05 am »
I can turn the volume all the way down with Fn+C and then get something loud as anything.
Other times, calls are really quiet.

I see sliders inside Android settings for:
  • Media
  • Call
  • Ring
  • Alarm
... but this doesn't always seem to be authoritive as to what will end up being final result. What category do notifications fall under?

The sliders also seem to have different steps to one another which seems.. weird..

Cosmo Communicator - Hardware / Alt+Tab turning on Caps Lock
« on: December 21, 2019, 12:14:26 am »
I use Alt+Tab to quickly switch between applications. It works on the Cosmo, but from time to time, the first press will toggle Caps Lock (which should be Fn+Tab) instead. Subsequent presses will perform Alt+Tab without issue.

When the phone is feeling like doing this, if you Fn+Tab to turn caps lock off, Alt+Tab will turn it back on again (wheeee!).. Bug in the keyboard matrix scanning?

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