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Topics - yangzepa

Pages: [1]
currently i have unrooted v16 version.
i tried to update to v25 version with using the file on official support page.
but after i rebooted into recovery mode, I cannot find the menu named
' Install custom OS on your COSMO ', there is 'Apply update from SD Card' instead.
[it does not work anyway]

in this case, what should I do with this firmware?
ive found manual update method with v23 or v22,
should I do manual update to 22 or 23 and update v25 after?


i found the video that the cosmo communicator key can be replaced.
but where can I buy the keycap set?
i bought the secondhanded cosmo from other country, so I'd like to change the keycap set as my language(korean), IF i can buy the set.

Pages: [1]