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Messages - polarwinkel

Pages: [1]
Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: July 23, 2023, 08:11:48 am »
ok, I believe at least for the black screen I might have found a workaround:
After the factory-reste it was gone as I posted, shortly after I turned my beloved dark mode on it reoccured, so I tured it back off and it was gone again.
I gave the dark theme a try again like 2-3 days ago: no issues, great!
Now in the evening the issues are back.

I believe I can reproduce it: If the total display bightness (sum over all pixels) is too low the display turns completely black, but the touchscreen is still responding. When I change blindly the screen content to something brighter it turns on again.

So my suggestion for a workaround: Stick to bright themes!
(I hate it, I love OLEDs for the dark dark display - but hey, at least I have an Astro!)

But about the trippy colours you/others have trouble with: I doubt that will help you guys :-(

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: July 16, 2023, 03:28:34 pm »
I made a factory-reset on my device and the screen-issue seems to be gone.

I have the same issues with my telekom-Sim: Connection keeps dropping and reconnecting.
The dropping can sometimes be reproduced when using data: Just when I start using it it drops, reconnecting shortly after.
I didn't have the problem with my vodafone-SIM which uses no data.

But if I insert both sim-cards an I use data in the Telekom-network _both_ network connections, Telekom _and_ Vodafone, drop.

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Astro update to V07
« on: June 22, 2023, 06:35:41 pm »
I am having a little different display issues since I updated: The display is sometimes turnig off or is flickering going black and on again.
If turning black sometimes one press on the power button brings it back, often turning black soon after.
Sometimes I can reproduce the "screen-crash" like when opening an eMail in k9-mail.

I am thinking about it being a combination of a software- and hardware-issue: When there is a certain load (opening eMail) the voltage drops somewhere and the screen turns off. Or something similar like the pictures show, which reminds me of my N900 running out of battery, leaving the display-controller with under-voltage.

I also have all the time since I have my Astro problems with the network dropping which I first thought was randomly, but I also could reproduce it fetching mails with k9-mail. As soon as I fetch them the network is dropping on both inserted sim-cards, even on the one not being configured for data. After some seconds the network reconnects again.

All this makes my Astro being a paperweight I turn on just once in a while to play around with, putting it back soon frustrated over all these bugs  >:(

Astro Slide - Android / Re: Mobile connection flipping
« on: April 09, 2023, 11:16:36 am »
I can confirm this issue in the german Telekom-network, having my Astro now for a month or so.
Getting myself a prepaid sim in the Vodafone-network and I don't have any probems with that anymore, but that's no solutions for a daily driver.

I would guess it's the same/similar firmware-issue like the EE-issue in GB. Let's hope for a fix from PC for this...

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