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Messages - 10BaseT

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pdaXrom Development / Openpandora
« on: September 08, 2008, 11:27:28 pm »
Quote from: Cresho
there is a discussion about this in another thread.
I ran a search, came up with nothing... link plz?

pdaXrom Development / Openpandora
« on: September 08, 2008, 04:49:54 am »
I was wondering if anyone here was looking at openpandora?

nice peace of hardware...

    * ARM® Cortex™-A8 600Mhz+ CPU running Linux
    * 430-MHz TMS320C64x+™ DSP Core
    * PowerVR SGX OpenGL 2.0 ES compliant 3D hardware
    * 800x480 4.3" 16.7 million colours touchscreen LCD
    * Wifi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth & High Speed USB 2.0 Host
    * Dual SDHC card slots & SVideo TV output
    * Dual Analogue and Digital gaming controls
    * 43 button QWERTY and numeric keypad
    * Around 10+ Hours battery life

any thoughts?

going to half the price of a Z  

Sharp ROMs / Gui File Viewer
« on: April 20, 2007, 02:11:13 am »
I guess the FAT format is so the USB drive emulation can work.

yeah... I use that though. I'm thinking that maybe i should take an other look at Meanie’s  hacked rc.rofilrsys file... a swap would be nice...

as I'm looking at the rc.rofilrsys file it looks like it might take care of my problem...

any suggestions?

Sharp ROMs / Gui File Viewer
« on: April 19, 2007, 03:23:21 am »
yeah... that dir is fat 32 and it's on hdd3...

unless i'm out of my mind...

and I do think the way the hdd3 is formated is dumb... and the way it's mounted in the rc.rofilrsys. but thats what we got to work with here...



Sharp ROMs / Gui File Viewer
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:07:14 pm »

 I've been hacking at this for a while now trying to relink the /home/zaurus/Documents dir to also inculed something like

ln -s /mnt/smb /home/zaurus/Documents/
ln -s /mnt/usbstorage /home/zaurus/Documents/

Of course I rebuilt the Documents dir so that it exists as dir instead of a sys-link relinking everything underneath it...

This allows me to navigate into my USB drive and my smbmount from the file viewer in the Music Player and in Kino2 and play music. But rebooting is a bad idea… the rc.rofilrsys scrip moves everything around and relinks it all. (sometimes I feel that the Z is just about the right size for a hockey puck)

I tried hacking rc.rofilrsys file but I seem to end up with an unbootable Z
I tried using Meanie’s rc.rofilrsys file (because I hate the damn thing so much) reformatting the drive and all. This also ends with and unbootable Z.

I think to myself there has got to be a clever way of fixing the problem of not being able to navigate to my other mount points with the Z’s file browser.

I have a 12gb USB hard drive that I power off my truck and would like to use it to have a bigger music selection while on the road… and a network share on a windows server 2003 that has the same music I can use while roaming around the house.

Any help is welcome


Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 20, 2006, 04:53:50 pm »
What I meant by * * * is u can put any value there... I don't think a xset dpms takes * as a valid argument

but yeah, seems to be working fine
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I was actually referring to a wildcard too (I'm not very articulate sometimes) - from what the man page says, 'xset +dpms' and 'xset -dpms' should be taken care of automatically depending on what values you use. I see from my own tests also that pdaXrom does not always do this, and it needs to. The environment the blanker was originally written for maybe supported this better so explicit commands were not required?

Another caveat is that any power events (suspend, battery/AC change) will reset all these settings.

Perhaps a good project would be to integrate the blanker functionality into the script as a third mode, indicated by a file flag or something? The battery applet/power management seems to honour these settings consistently...
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Yeah thats about what I figured too... I haven't submited a bug report yet    because my work around is working fine other then I do have to be careful of (suspend, battery/AC change). I'm debating wheather I want to try rewriting the blanker and the script into one program or script because there are other times when supending is bad like rewiting files to the Zaurus via USB...

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 12, 2006, 02:37:16 am »
to disable suspend

#xset dpms * 0 0
#xset -dpms

(the '*' is the time you want the screen to shut off at, in seconds. This still works after you exec the "xset -dpms" command which, doesn't make much sense to me but it works, so... whatever)

and to enable it again

#xset +dpms
#xset dpms * 0 *

which works!!! (so far)   
Cool; I know that 'xset dpms * * *' implies 'xset +dpms' (turn on dpms). I would have thought using a value of 0 would have implied the opposite ('xset -dpms' to turn it off). Obviously not... (or a bug in xset?)

Glad you got it sorted anyway
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What I meant by * * * is u can put any value there... I don't think a xset dpms takes * as a valid argument

but yeah, seems to be working fine

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 06, 2006, 06:02:48 pm »

Think i got something here.

I looked into what karlto suggested about testing the lightnpower applet and found that it worked... always.... which didn't make any sense being that it's useing the same command "xset dpms"...

So, I looked at the sript a little closer to see what it was doing different, and there is one difference. It execs two commands to xset (as far as I can understand, sense I'm not good with python(i think it is)

Something like this...

to disable suspend

#xset dpms * 0 0
#xset -dpms

(the '*' is the time you want the screen to shut off at, in seconds. This still works after you exec the "xset -dpms" command which, doesn't make much sense to me but it works, so... whatever)

and to enable it again

#xset +dpms
#xset dpms * 0 *

which works!!! (so far)    

and therefore, my current work around is

killing off the Blanker utility and running this wrapper sript for xmms

Create an xmms wrapper file:

Code: [Select]
xmodmap /etc/X11/kb/xmms.xmodmap
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 30 0 0
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset -dpms
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset +dpms
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 120 0 360
xmodmap /etc/X11/kb/xmmsBack.xmodmap

I'm useing jgraves mp3 player hack/mod (my version of it)

mp3 player hack/mod

I think thats understandable...


--MY $600 MP3 player!!!!

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 05, 2006, 12:11:58 am »
Well, now that i have looked at the code for both lightnpower and blanker I have come to some conclusions

1) i don't think that the blanker utility is really broken (but, something somewhere sure is...)
2) the blanker utility doesn't do exactly what you think it does (at lest I was confused about a few things)
3) lightnpower and the blanker utility should be rewritten into one entity ( my opinion of course...)

But... I have hit a dead end, I don't think rewriting the blanker utility is the solution to the problem at hand... I think that there is a third element somewhere that is cause the Z to suspend and to shut off the screen. (which is overwriteing the xset dpms ... command)

Any clues?

(maybe a bug report is needed)

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 04, 2006, 06:04:28 am »
Yeah i'm ahead of ya' their...

wote me a little sript go somethin' like dis'

Code: [Select]
for ((i = 0; i < 1; i = i ))
    xset q | tail -5 | head -1
    sleep 2

Yep they take and nothing chages them ether. the Z suspends while "xset q" still reports the off values is at 0
If I kill the blanker utility and type the "xset dpms 0 0 0" or "xset -dpms" the Z seems to pick a random time to shut off the sreen and to suspend... sometimes it's 5 seconds sometimes it's 5 minutes....

Starting to get a bit frustrated

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 03, 2006, 07:34:47 pm »

I'm not get very far with this.

Can anyone with a c3100 running 1.1.0beta1 post here if there are experiencing the same problem, or am I the only one?
I hate to be chasing down a problem if it's something that i'm not doing right. I just don't know what will fix the my suspend problem if a clean install didn't... (unless it's a bug and not local to me.)

I did find something out that both the Blanker utility and Lightnpower both seem to set the suspend time with a

# xset dpms * * * (basically)

a snippet from the man pages about xset dpms

             "When numerical values are given, they set the
               inactivity period (in units of seconds) before the three  modes
               are  activated.   The  first  value  given is for the `standby'
               mode, the second is for the `suspend' mode, and  the  third  is
               for  the  `off'  mode.  Setting these values implicitly enables
               the DPMS features.  A value of zero disables a particular mode. "

So if you want the Z not to suspend

# xset dpms 30 0 0
(30 can be whatever... It just turns the screen off in 30 sec)
right ?

which is what Blanker does....
(doesn't work)
and if i type it in
(doesn't work)

any input?

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 02, 2006, 07:11:39 pm »
yeah right now i'm using the basic install of 1.1.0beta1. So yeah i think thats what comes with 1.1.0beta1...
(i do notice that the  Blank Screen option dose work but, then all the keyboad and out side buttons stop working(and it still suspends))

right now i going through the source code to see if i can understand better whats going on...  

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Help Blanker
« on: April 01, 2006, 11:00:47 pm »
Hey all,

I've been at this for a week now and I can't seem to get the Blanker utlity to work at all.  I have gone so far as to reinstall pdaxrom with a fresh clean install to see if i could get Blanker to work... The only thing I have done is jgraves key mapping hack/mod...

Right now, know matter what I do or don't do with the Blanker utlity, I get 6 mins of music from xmms befor my Z c3100 suspends it's self... and then you know what happens after that...

#killall xmms
#ps -e
#kill ####
(if i'm lucky)

And 6 mins just happens to be what I set my Z to suspend at...
(I kinda feel like the Blanker utlity is one of those Playschool toys where the kid sits in the toy pushs the buttons, turns the wheel, but never gets anywhere...)

I vary curious as to how the Blanker utility is preventing the Z from suspending, if thats what it's supposed to do.

#man mb-applet-blanker (anyone?)

I would be greatful for any help (including the you stupid noob kind)  


THANKS pdaxrom for all your hard work!!!

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