Zaurus - pdaXrom / x.11 rom, can it also run QT stuff.
« on: December 10, 2003, 03:43:57 pm »
That\'s what I thought.
I am a bit disapointed about the qt stuff. I have grown to love it after owning an sl5500.
I was hoping it would be like the debian thing that was released for the c700.
so the choice is x11 with loads of neat apps not availible with the standard zaurus, but would probably be bloated and slow as they were written for bigger/faster machines.
qt, lots of apps I know, small and compact and run fast on a 5500 so should scream along nicely, useable pims and syncing.
The killer app for me is gps, and I use qpegps all the time (qt based).
gpsdrive is a gtk2 app, could that be compiled for the x11 rom?
mind you it is dog slow on a pentium2 650.
I guess I could always keept the 5500 for gps/pims only. but then I would have to take two zauri (what is the plural of zaurus anyway?) to work with me.
Well I guess my pockets would be a bit emptier after buying the c860 so there may be room :wink:
That\'s what I thought.
I am a bit disapointed about the qt stuff. I have grown to love it after owning an sl5500.
I was hoping it would be like the debian thing that was released for the c700.
so the choice is x11 with loads of neat apps not availible with the standard zaurus, but would probably be bloated and slow as they were written for bigger/faster machines.
qt, lots of apps I know, small and compact and run fast on a 5500 so should scream along nicely, useable pims and syncing.
The killer app for me is gps, and I use qpegps all the time (qt based).
gpsdrive is a gtk2 app, could that be compiled for the x11 rom?
mind you it is dog slow on a pentium2 650.
I guess I could always keept the 5500 for gps/pims only. but then I would have to take two zauri (what is the plural of zaurus anyway?) to work with me.
Well I guess my pockets would be a bit emptier after buying the c860 so there may be room :wink: