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Messages - espi

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
General Discussion / Flipstart - New Toy For Geeks?
« on: March 21, 2008, 08:59:03 pm »
sickeningly sweet  

General Discussion / Flipstart - New Toy For Geeks?
« on: March 21, 2008, 08:18:23 pm »
The flipstart is just too ugly. When a thin flipstart2 comes out, I'll check it out.
The 4th Q of this year is going to be sickening with all the cool small gadgets coming out. I just hope that we get a clamshell.
I love the u810, especially the "StormTrooper" style u1010, but will likely get the p1620/kohjinsha sr8 at some point over the next couple months.

Off Topic forum / Hello Zaurus World !
« on: March 21, 2008, 08:08:45 pm »
Thank you everyone for your welcome and recommendations, I am looking forward to receiving my z...
This is the one I got:
Fs : Near Mint 3100 + Accessories, -= Well Cared for unit =-

Probably won't receive it before the holiday now, but hopefully next week.

InSearchOf: awesome! - I would like to eventually learn how to put pdaxrom on it in a multiboot situation but it seems a bit complex to attempt right off the bat.

ArchiMark: thanks  one thing that appealed to me about this over, say, a nokia 8X0, is the ability to utilize what everyone has already learned about the hardware overt the years since the c760.

HoloVector and stupkid: I indeed am keeping Debian on it to start. It's configured and working and that is a great way to receive it

speculatrix and Snappy: I think we are just ahead of the curve. I'm late on this by over 2 years! This can do so much and one can only hope that will set a trend going forward for pocketable, highly configurable open platform devices. I'm happy to have learned about it.

I think that the popularity of the Z might grow actually, because now UMPCs/MIDs/etc are a growing market that the industry is finally getting behind with the Atom processor, etc.
In my search for a device the most important thing is size. I like the OQO and may get one, but the fact it's not a clamshell was crucial.
I also like the Fujitsu u1010/u810/LOOX U50XN but it's way too big for a pocket.
I think that the Zaurus is still the best choice. If the u810 was the size of the Zaurus, I would get one, as I'm sure a lot of us would.

Time to drink,

Zaurus - pdaXrom / voice recorder for pdaxrom ?
« on: March 21, 2008, 05:48:55 pm »
Thanks for the recommendation, ecc_hy, appreciate it and look forward to trying it out.

Zaurus - pdaXrom / voice recorder for pdaxrom ?
« on: March 20, 2008, 12:54:59 am »
Any word on what voice recorder works well on a C3100 (I already have a mic) - especially under Debian? Voice notes are crucial.

Accessories / Apple Wireless Keyboard With Cacko
« on: March 20, 2008, 12:00:39 am »
Third who wants to hear if it works.
My friend has one so I may be able to test when my Z comes (it's running Debian tho)

Off Topic forum / Hello Zaurus World !
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:47:33 pm »
Cool - yea, it's a lot to learn now, but that's a big part of the enjoyment.

In looking through the forums I've noticed your signature before - especially the GIVEN AWAY part!    

The one I got is all black with the C1000 top on a C3100. I think that's cool.

I'm a little scared because it has Debian on it and most of what I see on here deals with PDAXROM beta 3 and Cacko.
From what I've been reading, I think I can eventually run Debian off of an SD card and have Cacko on the machine.

I'm so green to the linux game...this Z is the 1st thing to really jump out and show me a reason to learn about linux and BSD because of the form factor.

For Sale / Wanted / Fs : Near Mint 3100 + Accessories
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:41:41 pm »
I'm happy to have bought this and look forward to receiving my first Zaurus

Off Topic forum / Hello Zaurus World !
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:03:56 pm »
Just a quick "hello" to the forum.

I have bought my first Zaurus from another forum member today!
I've been doing a lot of research on purchasing the best smallest computing device and settled on the Zaurus SL-C3100!

I really am blown away by all of the amazing work all the developers put in, it's all highly impressive and commendable.
All the contributors to open software are the true pioneers and revolutionaries of today.

Open software and tiny devices like this are the future.

I live in the United States in Baltimore City (most are familiar with as the backdrop of HBO's The Wire and home of delicious crab cakes) and being a fan of small Japanese electronics my entire life I wager that no Zaurus was ever sold here. I am glad to have now learned about it, albeit late, and am equally amazed at the potential of the device and how still it has yet to be matched.

Thank you for your work and I look forward to learning more over time. I will try my damndest to not be an annoying newb and continue to search and learn.  


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