In case nobody else noticed, KO/Pi (KOrganizer/Platform-independent) for Zaurus can sync with OS X iCal.
The way the syncing works: KOrganizer copies the iCal calendar file to the Zaurus, syncs it with KOrganizer\'s calendar, then copies the resulting file back to iCal.
You will need a newer version of KO/Pi (1.6.3b or newer). You have to setup synchronization via ssh/scp, as described here: calendar file for iCal is located under ~/Library/Calendars/Home.ics (assuming that you want to sync with the default Home calendar).
IMPORTANT: Before syncing for the first time, you MUST add a X-WR-RELCALID tag to the KOrganizer mycalendar.ics file, or else iCal will change the UID number of all entries, causing duplicates. The X-WR-RELCALID tag should be in the header of the mycalendar.ics file, before the first VTODO/VEVENT tag. For example:
:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.1//EN
Note that the value for X-WR-RELCALID can be anything, though it should probably be a real UID. I would recommend just copying the information from your iCal Home.ics file. Also note the other X-WR tags... I don\'t know if iCal really needs them or not, but to be safe, I added them to my mycalendar.ics file.
Another important note is to make sure that iCal is closed when you sync, as iCal does not appear to write its *.ics file until the application is closed.
I just got this working last night, so I don\'t know how well it really works. So far it seems fine. However, I would strongly suggest backing up your calendars on both sides to be safe. In fact, you may want to continue backing up your calendars on a regular basis, just as an added precaution.
Note that when syncing, at least in my case, there seems to be a bit of a delay between the \'Copy succeeded\' and \'Sync completed successfully\'. Make sure that the sync has completed before reopening iCal.
For those that are switching from a DTM-based calendar program (such as the default C7xx/8xx calendar app), the latest version of KO/Pi (1.6.5a) claims to be able to import DTM data.
While it\'s not iSync, this seems to do the trick.
Good luck.
- ashikase
anpachi, gifu, japan