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Topics - ashikase

Pages: [1] 2
Ubuntu / Android/cupcake On Zubuntu Rc 1.0
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:04:04 am »
Has anyone managed to get Android (either 1.0 or cupcake) working with Zubuntu RC 1.0?

I know cortez has/had plans to release an Android package, but is no doubt too busy at the moment with getting Zubuntu released.

There are no Android devices available here in Japan, so I am hoping to be able to use my Zaurus for testing (even if it turns out to be a bit slow). I've been able to compile the cupcake sources, but I don't know what needs to be done to target the Zaurus, nor where to copy the compiled files or how to start Android once it's been copied over.

If anyone has any information on how to do this (or better yet, a pre-made image/archive), I'd greatly appreciate it.

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Mpd - Aac/faad2 Support
« on: January 21, 2007, 12:12:45 am »
According to this post:

... faad2 support has been added to mpd.

Would anyone happen to have a package of this built, or be willing to build one? I currently don't have a compilation environment setup, and would rather not go through the trouble of setting it up for just one package (which might not even build or may fail to provide the features I'm looking for).

Specifically, I hope to gain support for aac+ streams from

Note: using OZ on C3200.

Cxx0 General discussions / Ann: Tetsu Special Kernel V14e
« on: July 04, 2005, 02:15:00 am »
A new version of Tetsu's Special Kernel has been released, for use on the following models: SL-B500/C700/C750/C760/C860

The new kernel includes an NWFPE patch, which reportedly gives an approximate 10% speed increase in floating point operations. The new kernel also includes a patch for detailed battery monitoring.

More information and download at:

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

User Request for Applications / File Type Association Editor
« on: June 06, 2005, 10:23:37 pm »
One nuisance with Qtopia is that it is not simple to set what program to use for each file/mime type; it requires editing /home/QtPalmtop/etc/mime.types, as well as the desired application's .desktop file.

What I would like is a simple GUI program that would simplify this - perhaps something that would provide a list of available mime-types (which can be added to/deleted from), with a drop-down list of all available programs listed next to each type (where the current selection would represent the currently associated program). Qtopia's 'Application Key' settings program uses a similar interface.

I don't think such a program would be too difficult to write - it's mostly just a bunch of text parsing. It would probably be fairly easy to do in something like Python/Qt or Ruby/Qt.

I would try it myself, but I don't have the time, nor do I have any real experience with Python/Ruby.

Of course, if such a program already exists, I would greatly appreciate any pointers to it.

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Sharp ROMs / Unicon Modules For Cacko Rom
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:44:24 am »
I tried installing and using the UNICON kernel modules (for Japanese text on console) available from the Cacko feed, but they don't seem to work.

When I try to insmod the modules, I get: "unresolved symbol doublebyte_default".
(I am using the Cacko Japanese kernel (1.22))

Also, after doing some research, it looks like another module, "unikey.o", and utility, "uniconctrl" are missing/required.

Has anyone else gotten the UNICON modules to work? If so, how?

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Software / Open Command
« on: March 04, 2005, 09:24:04 am »
I'm looking for a way to implement OS X/BSD's "open" command, which allows you to open a file with its associated application from the command line.

For example, typing "open file.html" would open the file with Opera (or whatever app is associated with html).

I whipped up the following, which works, but I'm hoping for something better:
Code: [Select]

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   QPEApplication a(argc, argv);

   if ( argc != 2 ) {
      qDebug("Usage: %s filename", argv[0]);
      return -1;

   QFileInfo file(argv[1]);
   if ( !file.exists() ) {
      qDebug("File does not exist!");
      return -1;

   DocLnk fileLnk(file.absFilePath());
   if ( fileLnk.exec().isNull() ) {
      qDebug("No application is associated with this file type!");
      return -1;


   return 0;
The problem with the above program is that calling DocLnk seems to require that a QPEApplication is created, even if it's not used. When the program is run, it spits out the extra "Display size = ..." line.

Are there already any tools/commands that can do this? Am I perhaps overlooking something obvious?

Any input would be appreciated.

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Software / Sharp's Photostorage
« on: February 14, 2005, 10:34:12 pm »
Yesterday, Sharp released a free photo viewer/management software, PhotoStorage:

Download page:
Direct link:

Unfortunately, this software is SL-C3000 only. The ipk contains a preinstall script that confirms that the model is a C3000. The software can be installed manually, but will segfault when run. I have tried preloading some of the C3000 libraries, but so far, no luck.

[UPDATE:  I had a look at the binary... it looks like the software itself also checks the model number (by looking at /proc/deviceinfo/product), so getting it to run on anything else is probably a no go.]

An interesting side note... the preinstall script checks not only for SL-C3000, but also SL-C3100. Looks like there *might* (note: *might*) be a new Zaurus on the horizon.

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Sharp ROMs / Usb I/o Disconnects
« on: January 28, 2005, 01:54:55 am »
No doubt this has been discussed before, but a search turned up nothing useful.

I have my C760's PC Link setting set to "USB - I/O"; I often ssh into it and copy files through samba. The problem is that frequently the USB connection will suddenly drop, and won't work again unless I replug the USB cable.

It happens in Cacko 1.22 and 1.21b... I'm not sure about other ROMs. It doesn't seem to matter what OS is running on the PC side (Windows, OS X, etc.).

Any ideas or links to previous solutions?

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Software / Ebt
« on: January 08, 2005, 12:04:06 pm »
EBt is a simple memo application written in Ruby (RubyQT): (latest English version)

EBt is similar to programs such as IQNotes and StageOne, in that memos can be arranged in categories in a tree-like structure. But EBt's organization is more than just a simple tree... a memo can be linked to several branches in the tree. This means that a single memo can be listed under multiple categories.

EBt provides four default (non-deletable) memos:
- Root, the root of the tree
- Trash, to which deleted memos are moved (linked) to
- Bookmark, a place to add links to frequently used memos (which may be buried deep in the tree)
- Recent, which links to the last 30 memos

When a memo is selected, all links connected to the memo are listed beneath it, *including* parent links. In fact, EBt does not differentiate between parent and child links.. all links are simply links.

Each memo is stored using two files - a text file containing the title and text of the memo, and another file listing all other memos that are linked to it. Memos are stored in directories according to year and month created. Memos can be renamed and edited without destroying the contents or breaking links.

Some of EBt's newest features include outputting portions of the tree to HTML and the ability to create a hand-drawn memo (similar to IQNotes) (note that the hand-drawn input is still a work in progress).

EBt is being developed by a Japanese programmer, and started out as Japanese-language only. The developer has been working on adding English to the latest versions. At present, the translation is not quite complete - some portions of the program are still Japanese-only, and some of the English is not quite accurate. However, I believe that even in its current state it can still be quite useable for non-Japanese speakers.

My words can not do the program justice. I suggest giving it a try; though it might be difficult to grasp at first, once understood, it's extremely useful and simple to use (I've tried to include enough info in this post to make it easier to figure out). I personally replaced IQNotes with EBt on my Zaurus.

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

The source code for the C3000 ROM 1.01JP (kernel) and zdict multimedia dictionary (based on zten) are now available at:

Note that the compilation of zdict will most likely require libraries from the C3000 (libzsecure, libeb (C3k specific version, calls zsecure), libsl (C3k specific version), ...).

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

Personal Java/Jeode/J2ME Personal Profile / SWT support
« on: November 19, 2004, 01:41:32 am »
Is there anyway to use SWT on the Zaurus?

So far, I haven't been able to find a copy of libswt built for the Z. Someone claimed that IBM's WebSphere Studio Device Developer (WSDD) included a Zaurus-version of libswt-qt, but it is not included in the trial version of WSDD that I downloaded.

There's also the possibility of using libswt-gtk ( with x/qt or pdaXrom, but building it appears to require gcj.

Does anyone happen to have/know where to get a copy of either libswt-qt or libswt-gtk built for the Zaurus, or, failing that, a native or cross-compiler version of gcj?

- ashikase
- anpachi, gifu, japan

X/Qt / X/Qt version 2
« on: October 17, 2004, 10:44:06 am »
Topic says it all: a test release of X/Qt version 2 is available at the X/Qt site:

- ashikase
  anpachi, gifu, japan

Software / ANN: knQuiz 0.5
« on: September 28, 2004, 10:28:38 pm »
knQuiz is a kanji quiz program based off of the quiz component of KanjiNirvana.

Features include:
    - support for VGA/QVGA
    - stroke checking
    - entry notes
    - entries can be single kanji or kanji compounds
    - study lists are stored as UTF-8 text files (with .knq extension)[/li]
Source files and the binary ipk are available from the NihongoNirvana Sourceforge page (here).

Please note that this release is of beta quality, and still contains bugs. Any comments/suggestions/other feedback is greatly appreciated. I would especially like to hear from people with a 5x00 device, as I only have a C760 to test with.

- ashikase
  anpachi, gifu, japan

Qt/Qtopia / Do not use findDocuments or FileSelector
« on: September 19, 2004, 07:11:51 am »
If there are any Zaurus developers still out there:

I would recommend (request?) that you not use the QT Global::findDocuments function (or the FileSelector, which uses this function). This function searches all available media for a specified filetype. This can cause huge delays on a Zaurus with a large drive (such as my 4GB microdrive).

I would suggest using Sharp's SlFileSelector instead, or using (user-modifiable) fixed paths to look for files, or even designing your own file dialog. Sharp's library is only available on Sharp-based roms, but I believe Opie can emulate it.

As far as I know, there is no way to prevent findDocuments from searching certain media on Sharp-based roms (unlike Opie and later versions of Qtopia, which allow for adding a file/marker at the base of a directory to prevent searching). Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

- ashikase
  anpachi, gifu, japan

Software / KeyHelper: prevent Home key\'s default action?
« on: April 05, 2004, 01:13:01 am »
I know this has been mentioned before, but I wasn\'t able to find a solution...

I have KeyHelper configured to use the Home key as the User1/launch hot key.  When I press the Home key, though, it also launches whatever action QPE has associated with that key (for example, the Home function).

Is there anyway to prevent this?  It\'s rather annoying to see the screen flash back to QPE before launching my chosen app.  I tried changing the settings in the Application Keys (appskey) control panel,  but there does not appear to be a \'disable\' option.

I know some people have suggested using one of the Japanese keys as the \'launch\' key, but that is not an option for me, as I use Japanese input.

Any suggestions?

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