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Topics - daemon1

Pages: 1 [2]
Sydney / Z Experiences
« on: April 18, 2005, 10:04:53 pm »
put together my experiences on getting a C3000, accessories, gprs to optus etc.

topics covered:

:z - the beginning:

:z and accessories:

:z and the mac:

:z and 802.11b:

:sony ericsson t630 and the mac:

:se t630 and optus:

:z and bluetooth:

C1000/3x00 General discussions / My Documented Z Experience
« on: April 18, 2005, 08:49:13 am »
Hi everyone,

I've put together my experiences in getting my z working the way I want it.... topics include

:z - the beginning:

:z and accessories:

:z and the mac:

:z and 802.11b:

:sony ericsson t630 and the mac:

:se t630 and optus:

:z and bluetooth:

Hope the info can be of use to the community.

C1000/3x00 General discussions / Which Bt For C3000? Cf Or Sd?
« on: April 03, 2005, 10:16:56 pm »
Been looking at BT cards for the Z C3000... just wondering which one of these is the best to get in terms of working with new bluez stack and battery life?

Planning to connect it to sonyericsson T630 for GPRS.

- Socket Pocket PC Bluetooth SD Card
- Socket CF Bluetooth Card
- Blue Monkey CF Bluetooth Adaptor
- AnyCom Blue CF-300 Compact Flash Card
- Belkin Bluetooth PDA CF Card

thanks in advance!

C1000/3x00 General discussions / C3000 And Os X? Also N00b Q's
« on: March 24, 2005, 02:42:16 am »
just received the new c3000 from pricejapan and what a fantastic machine it is... just in time as this weekend is a 4 day long weekend for aussies in sydney... lots of time for hacking away

has anyone here successfully connected their c3000 to their mac (panther) via the usb driver? have you by chance synced ok using zmacsync (for ical and z calender) ?
previously ive used my sl-5500 happily with osx...

wanted to get the socket/sprectrum card in aus but could not find it anywhere at a good price... found 2 online stores that would take 10 days to procure and were charging ~$250AUD for it!?!?!?! so got the dlink 660W instead.... haven't used it much (at work now) but will connect to AP tonight at home....

1 more q... has anyone done this font change on the 3000?

is it ok to do ? work ok?

thanks for your help

Sharp ROMs / can you stop losing everything when you hard reset?
« on: May 06, 2004, 07:12:19 pm »
im using the tkcROM...

the only prob i have with it, is if it crashes, and do do a reset, or take the battery out, you lose all your progs installed, settings, everything...

the restore restores the settings, but not all the progs and things you installed...

how can i enable this on tkcROM... in know OZ has small jjfs filesystem for this?

Sharp ROMs / bringing up wireless interface without AP connection?
« on: April 25, 2004, 06:09:03 pm »
This is for tkcROM

I run kismet on my Z but it seems the only way to scan is to first connect to an AP and then you can scan.

my card is a prism2 chipset, it loads the modules fine, the interface is eth0, i\'ve made a network setting to connect to my home access point and it works fine... but you can\'t just turn on the wireless connection!

iwconfig eth0 says nothing
ifconfig eth0 up says the device doesn\'t exists..

i\'ve even tried creating a wardrive profile with ssid any so i can at least have the interface up to scan.... but when it discovers there is no AP to connect to the interface goes down... and scanning is not possible...

how do tkcrom people use kismet?

From previous discussion...

ok it worked out.....
 Qtopia desktop 1.5.5 does sync..

 put the Z on the network (wireless) as
 in the pc-link use tcp/ip, put another host in there

 used the magic tool netcat
 nc -d -L -p 4243 4244 -vv -n -d

 (basically says, any connections to 4243 forward to 4244 (zaurus)
 on the pc ( put in to sync with

 On the pc, I press Sync.... straight away I hit \"start sync\" on the zaurus... it loads up the syncing software to try to connect to another host.... but the pc connects and sync away...

 its a funny hack..

Software / Where can I get Sharp Qtopia Desktop 1.5.4 from?
« on: April 20, 2004, 10:33:06 pm »
Im after the above version of the desktop prog for windows but haven\'t had any luck finding it!

Does anyone know where to download it from? Or if its possible to post if somewhere?

I phoned sharp in Australia, they don\'t have it anywhere to get it from... they pointed me to purchase a cd from their spare parts department.... this was a free download off the sharp site, im sure someone would have grabbed a copy and still has it somewhere?

Sharp ROMs / Where to get Sharp Qtopia Desktop 1.5.4?
« on: April 20, 2004, 09:49:28 pm »
Based on the previous discussion:

Where can I find Sharp Qtopia Desktop 1.5.4 ?

Thanks in advance

Sharp ROMs / Does tkcROM Sync at all??
« on: April 19, 2004, 01:46:43 am »
I have been a zaurus 5500 user since they were released straight after the 5000 development version.

I\'ve used all the roms so far and the best one in my opinion is the tkcROM for my needs..

Works perfect for wireless connectivity, ssh into unix boxes, calender, pdf, etc etc... but for the life of me it doesn\'t sync with my mac or pc.... but in both cases, i can ping it, ssh into it... the connectivity is there..

I use tkcROM 2.0 alpha 3 and qtopia 1.7 for both mac and pc.

I connect the Z to both PC and Mac using the usb cradle, and connectivity is ok..

i ran ethereal to see what\'s going on, the pc or mac (qtopia) sends syns to the Z but the Z sends resets back... therefore no sync... i can\'t recall the ports but it was 4245 or 4243 ?

I have installed opie-security from the ZUG feed to allow \"any\" to sync but still no go...

What\'s the deal here? what qtopia version does sync with tkcROM?

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