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Messages - dougeeebear

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Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / How To: Restore Your Netwalker Pc-z1
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:05:04 am »
Quote from: cpulster
Thanks RXShorty, excellent help !

I have a dead Netwalker T1 here. The recovery files provided here are not workgin with it.
FAQ says to make a recovery microSD card, use the tool: applications >> Accessory >> recovery maker

Anybody out there with a working Netwalker T1 who is willing to make a recovery file ?
I don't know if you are still in need of the recovery file, but I have a NetWalker T1 coming, and I'll see what I can do.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: February 13, 2011, 04:09:39 pm »
Well, the price wasn't too bad at PriceJapan (way better than Conics), so I just ordered one there.
Hopefully it'll be here in a few days.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Usb Ethernet Dongle - New Version
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:55:08 am »
Quote from: ptoki
Quote from: dougeeebear
How do you know if you are getting one with the correct chipset?
Most online retailers don't show the specs in that depth of detail, and the local big box associates don't know which way is up.

I may try to find one if I ever receive the NetWalker PC-T1 that I ordered.
First check name and box. From there go to manufacturer page and download drivers. Check them for linux one and see which module is there.
So for example:
chipset name is adm851x then module is pegasus
chipset name asix module is asix

beware of chipsets sr9600 dm9600 and they comarades: dm9601 and similar.

If you can then save yourself a problem and go to local electronics mall (media markt, saturn in europe, radioshack and similar in USA) and look for those, If it is possible open the box and on the bottom of dongle you can see chip. In most cases there is a sticker but it can be safely peeled of.

I can tel that gembird dongles are made with adm and asix chipsets.
Thanks for taking the time to compile all that information, I appreciate it.
GeekStuff4U cancelled my order for the NetWalker PC-T1 claiming it is out of stock, so I don't know if I'll be getting one now.
Their price was half of what Conics wants, and I don't think it's worth that much.
It's hard to say what I might do.

Regards, Doug

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: February 10, 2011, 06:21:01 am »
I just received an email from GeekStuff4U stating "We’re very sorry to tell that the Sharp NetWalker PC-T1 is now out of stock and that we had to cancel your order and refund your Paypal account."

It makes me think maybe they realized they were selling them too cheap, because when I ordered it the site showed availability was in stock.

Oh well, it might be for the best, given all the negative reviews and lack of interest and inactivity here on the forum.

But I'd probably still get one if the price was right.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Usb Ethernet Dongle - New Version
« on: February 07, 2011, 01:56:05 pm »
How do you know if you are getting one with the correct chipset?
Most online retailers don't show the specs in that depth of detail, and the local big box associates don't know which way is up.

I may try to find one if I ever receive the NetWalker PC-T1 that I ordered.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:43:53 am »
Quote from: RX Shorty
But if you check:
You will see the only difference between the T1 and the Z1 is the keyboard.
Yeah, I saw that, but I think there may be a few software differences, such as the tabbed netbook remix interface, the automatic popup on-screen keyboard when entering a text field and bluetooth support.
It's possible the Z1 may have all that software support, and it's just not used, but I don't know.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:55:03 pm »
Well, after all the hemming and hawing around, I finally got courageous and ordered the NetWalker PC-T1 tablet.
Hopefully all goes well with it.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:17:40 pm »
I found a backup and restore option here on the Ubuntu Forum and I wondered if it would be useful for backing up/restoring the NetWalker.
If so, I may just have to break down and order one.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:14:31 pm »
Quote from: RX Shorty
Hope this helps...
Thanks for all that information.

I've had a look around the Sharp support website, and it looks as if they only have recovery files for the PC-Z1 (clamshell), but not the PC-T1 (tablet) at the present time.
I believe there are some needed features in the T1 that are lacking in the Z1.
Recovery files for the T1 will supposedly come later, but that doesn't do me much good if I need to restore now.

So far, I haven't been able to find out if there is a way to do a NAND backup/restore like I used to do on my Zaurus C-1000.
Without a way to restore, it could become a $300 brick.
I guess I'm not ready to take the risk, even for the good price.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 21, 2011, 03:02:52 pm »
I have a couple questions about the PC-T1... everything on the forum is pretty much to do with the PC-Z1.

1. Is it possible to do a NAND backup and restore?
2. Is it possible to boot from a micro sd card or usb stick?

I've been looking at various reviews on it, and I'm really up in the air as to whether I would be satisfied with it or not.
It has an outdated version of Ubuntu installed (Sharp customized) and can't be upgraded.
The OS can't be changed on it.
It reportedly has an extremely slow SSD.

The price is right, but I'm not sure it's worth a lot of aggravation.

Decisions, decisions.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Sharp Netwalker Pc-t1 $300
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:17:44 pm »
That's a heck of a deal, compared to Conics wanting $583 for them.
How reputable is Geek Stuff 4 U, has anyone had any experience with them?

You shouldn't show me this stuff, now at that price I want one.

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Ubuntu 9.04 Eol
« on: November 17, 2010, 11:01:10 am »
Wouldn't you need an Ubuntu version compatible with the arm processor, and wouldn't someone have to port that version over to the NetWalker?

Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker / Zaurus Never Die
« on: February 24, 2010, 09:31:08 am »
In light of all the above comments, Puppeee Linux is a lightweight, fast and feature complete OS designed especially for the EeePC's.
Maybe with some tinkering by someone knowledgable enough, it could be ported to the NetWalker.
I dual-boot it with Windows on my EeePC.
It should really fly on the NetWalker compared to Ubuntu.

Forum Link to Puppeee Linux

OESF Announcements / Forum Slowness Issues (fixed! Sorta)
« on: January 08, 2010, 08:08:04 pm »
Lookin' good

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