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Topics - eji

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Personal Java/Jeode/J2ME Personal Profile / Mobile Gmaps On The Zaurus
« on: October 18, 2005, 04:49:42 pm »
I know my 6000 has J2ME on it. And "MGMaps runs on devices that support CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0 or later." So how do I get it to run the Google Maps program Mobile GMaps?

There are .jar and .jad files here:

What the heck do I do with these files?

User Request for Applications / Gdisk For Zaurus?
« on: October 12, 2005, 07:19:51 am »
Any chance we can get this ported to the Sharp ROM?

It's a nifty (and lightweight: 512kb) application that allows you to use your Gmail as online storage. It's a bit like having a network drive, I guess. Mac users will be familiar with it because of its similarities with iDisk.

Imagine how much space this could free up on the Z!

Software / Hancom Word 1.6
« on: June 14, 2005, 02:09:20 am »
I accidentally (read: stupidly) deleted Hancom Word from my 6000. Does anyone have an ipk of version 1.6 I can reinstall? I can't find it on any of the feeds, and the Hancom website no longer seems to offer the chance to re-download anymore.

Sorry to turn this into a new thread, but I tried PM'ing first.

Thanks in advance.

Software / Dmblogger (for V1.4.1 And Later)
« on: June 13, 2005, 05:43:14 am »
Rather than stick with the old 1.3.2 thread, I've started a new "official" one that will deal with all versions after 1.4.1. It's important to have a single thread, I think, because each version requires a new English translation and DMblogger users should know exactly where to find it.

Anyway, 1.4.1 is out and it's a fairly hefty code overhaul. The translated GUI is attached... just unzip and use it to replace the existing gui folder in QtPalmtop>bin>dmblogger

This translation should work out all the inconsistencies in previous versions, but keep in mind it's "Engrish" of sorts. Not being a coder myself, I can't always follow what the Ruby code is instructing, and I have to use a lot of trial and error to see which messages should go where. If, for example, it tells you an RSS clip is saved when you know it hasn't, please let me know right away. The Japanese messages still appear when I was stuck scratching my head.

1.4.1 appears to have significantly revamped the Item List, which is a way of posting to Moveable Type blogs and managing entries straight from DMblogger. I don't have an MT blog, so I can't figure out what on earth DMblogger is attempting to do. Any help here would be appreciated... unless, of course, no one is even using this feature.

User Request for Applications / Zaurus = Ipod?
« on: May 23, 2005, 12:26:30 pm »
I don't know if this is even possible, but I'd really like some way to fool iTunes into thinking my Z is an iPod. This would make syncing songs and playlists a heck of a lot easier, and to add to the temptation, iTunes 4.9 is going to have support for downloading and syncing Podcasts.

This probably wouldn't be easy. But if there's even a remote chance of it happening, I'd really like to know.

Mac Issues / Tiger And The Z
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:47:11 am »
This is mostly directed at dhns, I suppose, as he seems to be the one most actively developing a sync solution for the Z.

Now that Apple has opened up the iSync API a bit in Tiger, is there any chance of seeing, say, my SL-6000 pop up in the iSync device menu? I really, really want to press one button and have my Z sync down to the last detail with iCal and Address Book (maybe Stickies too), bypassing Qtopia Desktop alotgether.

Of course, it would be really great to see the KDE/Pim suite supported directly -- perhaps even instead of Sharp's DTM, as you can actually work with the KDE/Pim developers, and most every Z user has by now switched to this much more full-featured PIM suite.

Whaddaya say? Is there any hope for this? Am I the only one who isn't happy with the existing options?

Software / Dmblogger 1.3.2 Is Out
« on: May 12, 2005, 03:23:33 am »
Just so everyone knows, the new version (1.3.2) of DMblogger is out. That link will take you to Google's quirky translation of the homepage. A few minor bugs have been updated, such as the crash on browser  launch, and for the first time I've noticed that it's possible to download and read an entire feed post without launching the browser. Very cool.

Once you've done that, you'll likely want an English translation that launches Opera instead of Netfront. Have no fear. My inconsistent, error-riddled translation of most of the GUI is attached to this post as a .zip archive. Just drop the gui folder under QtPalmtop/bin/dmblogger and enjoy.

If you have issues with or changes to the translated files, please let me know.

[edit: New and Improved(!) GUI folder below]

Mac Issues / Security Update 2005-003 Breaks Z Usb Driver
« on: March 22, 2005, 01:49:01 am »
It looks as if the Security Update 2005-003 breaks the Z's unofficial Mac OS X USB driver. I installed the SU last night before going to bed and this morning I'm no longer able to connect to the Z via the cradle. Had to use wireless.

Am going to try installing the driver again, but the driver itself may need to be updated.

General Discussion / Olympus Digital Camera & My Z
« on: February 24, 2005, 03:07:17 am »
With all the fuss over the newest iPods (they came out yesterday), I got to wondering whether it would be possible to download photos from my Olympus C-4000 to my Z. As I take quite a bit of photos while out and about, I had intended to do this from the beginning but quickly forgot with all the Z's other capabilities.

The Z, of course, already has a built-in image viewer, and so all the remains is getting it to recognize the camera as browsable USB mass storage. I have the USB cable and adaptor/connector and was able to plug the devices into one another yesterday, but no trick I could think of got them to shake hands. Do I need special drivers? Or is there a simpler solution?

User Request for Applications / Rss Aggregator/reader
« on: February 24, 2005, 02:58:12 am »
I've tried ZauRSS, but it's really rough-looking. I also don't think it supports anything beyond RSS 0.1.

It would be great to see an RSS aggregator/reader like NetNewsWire or NewsFire for the Z. I certainly wouldn't expect all the whistles and bells, but one that supports RSS 2.0 and Atom with an intuitive GUI layout.

Software / Kphone Headache
« on: February 23, 2005, 10:39:26 am »
Anyone had any problems with Kphone freezing when trying to make a call?

The last time I used Kphone was with 0.9.8 to make a few calls to the Free World Dial-up test number. It worked flawlessly. Since installing v1.0.0, however, the app freezes whenever I make the same type of test calls. Tried both internal flash and SD and reverting back to 0.9.8/9, though neither approach solved anything.

General Discussion / Zaurus Roms
« on: February 11, 2005, 08:15:03 am »
What are the differences between the various Zaurus ROMs (e.g., QTopia, OPIE, OZ, PDAXRom, Sharp ROM, The Kompany's tkcROM)? Does Cacko count as a ROM too or is it just a major hack?What are the advantages to having one or the other? Why are they not compatible with every Zaurus model with similar processors?

I thought that I'd have answered these questions myself after getting my Z and becoming a regular on these forums, but I'm still no closer to figuring them out than I was two months ago. The descriptions I've read of the ROMs on the individual threads only confuse matters: OPIE is a fork of QT but integrated with OZ? What??

And what does the release of Qtopia PDA 2.1 mean for all of us? Will it make for better compatibility -- even interoperability -- between Linux PDAs and the commercial world of Palm OS and Windows Mobile? Or is it much ado about nothing?

Once I've figured this out, I'd be happy to put together an FAQ for other newbies (and confused veterans).

Deals and Great Z Buys / Sd Cards For $3 (128mb) And $53 (1gb)
« on: December 10, 2004, 02:53:01 pm »
Two good deals on

SMART® 128MB Secure Digital (SD) card for $3 ($23 before rebate)

Lexar 1GB Secure Digital SD Card for $53 ($73 before rebate)

And then stumbled across this on the same site:

Lexar 1GB 80x Professional CompactFlash card with Write Acceleration Technology for $76.94 ($96.94 before rebate)

I ordered from these guys about a week ago and both items shipped and arrived before I could blink. Rebates are available as PDFs via the product pages. But hurry... the Lexar rebate is over on Dec 11 (tomorrow).

Themes, Icons, and Backgrounds / Z Sl-6000 Icons For Mac
« on: December 07, 2004, 05:48:17 pm »
In anticipation of receiving my Z for Christmas, I was fooling around with some photos of the SL-6000L I'd pulled from one of the PDA review sites.

This fooling around resulted in some not-too-shabby Aqua desktop icons of the SL-6000 for Mac OS X. They might work on XP and Linux boxes, too; I don't know. One is an angled profile of the Z with a drop shadow, one without the drop shadow, and one full front view.

You can download them as a Pixadex iContainer or a .sit folder here: h**p:// (look in the appropriate folder)

Hope someone can find these useful. I'm not a graphic designer, but I think these turned out quite well and I had some fun doing it.

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