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Topics - eji

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For Sale / Wanted / For Sale: Sl-6000 With Lots Of Extras
« on: September 14, 2008, 03:39:25 pm »
** EDIT: SOLD to Cortez! **

The release of the new iPod Touch also marked the arrival of the device that I always wanted my Zaurus to be. Therefore I'm looking to sell my SL-6000L, which has been functioning only as a voice recorder for about a year. I invested a lot of money in kitting it out, so it comes with some handy extras.
  • SL-6000L (the model with the 3.5" 640x480 screen!). A bit faded and scratched in places, as you might expect, but no worse for the wear. The screen has been covered with protective film since about the sixth month of ownership. The plastic display protector is still in place and has rarely been taken off.
  • Socket Bluetooth CF card. Doesn't stick out and is compatible with a lot of open-source drivers.
  • Extra battery. This has been kept in the fridge at 40% charge for optimal longevity. The original battery still holds a fairly long charge, though a Wi-Fi connection will easily drain it in about an hour.
  • 1GB SD and CF cards (1 each). This is the maximum storage capacity the original Sharp ROM is compatible with.
  • The original Sharp (Qtopia) ROM with extended libraries and tons of working software. For example, I paid around $40 for a Textmaker license, and I've gathered great apps – many of which have since vanished online – from far and wide. I'll remove all my personal data but keep my highly polished ROM as is. Seriously, it looks good and is very stable.
  • Dock and power cord (naturally).
  • At least one extra stylus.
  • 2.5mm to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter. This is important if you want to, say, listen to music.
  • All the original software CDs.
  • I'll even throw in some Displex display polish.
I'm happy to offer photos of the unit, screenshots of the tweaked ROM, and a list of the installed software and/or libraries. To make it easier, I may post the classified on my blog in the next few days.

I'm in Germany but will ship to anywhere except Nigeria (unless, of course, you're a prince who's looking to temporarily transfer money into my bank account). I'm asking for 125 euros ($175) on account of all the extras, which put my total expenditure somewhere in the $500 range, but that price is definitely negotiable. Most important to me is that my Z finds a good home.

Please get in touch if you're interested!

Software / Is Kde Pim/pi Dead?
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:51:20 am »
Well, the title of this thread is my question. Is KDE PIM/Pi dead? There have been no updates since the 2.2.7 testing version from October 2005, the Pi-Sync site has had no news since August 2005, and the KDE PIM/Pi thread on these forums hasn't had any activity since March 2006.

This was one of the most useful apps on my Z, and I suppose I expected it to keep getting better and better and work out all its kinks. There was a promising flurry of activity just before it lost all signs of life. New versions seemed to be coming out every week. And now... nothing.

General Discussion / Zaurus In Doctor Who
« on: September 02, 2006, 06:22:05 pm »
So I'm watching the "Dalek" episode of the 2005 series of Doctor Who. And there's this aide who does something odd with his PDA: he expands it.

Close-up comes, and what do I see? One of the silver SL-5XXX Zaurus models.

This episode was set in something like 2020, so I'm guessing that by this time Microsoft has been supplanted by the open-source movement and retro hardware.

Attached are two shots of the close-up. I've also made a mediocre quality MP4 video clip of the short sequence if anyone wants it, but there's not much more revealed than what you're seeing in these images.

Mac Issues / How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:05:33 pm »
This isn't a Mac "issue" per se, but it doesn't really belong in a non-Mac-related forum here.

We're a pretty geeky crowd here, and I was wondering how many of you fellow Z users are recent (as in, the past year) switchers to the Mac? You get one side on, for instance, the MacRumors forums, where non-techie folks seem to be a dime a dozen, but it'd be nice to get some idea of how many power users have taken the plunge.

For the record, I switched in the pre-iPod days.

From this longer post on Macsimum News:

"A Nokia press release from the World Wide Web Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, states that they’ll be releasing their Web Browser for S60, based on Apple’s WebCore to the open source community. Here’s the press release in its entirety:

Mobility-enhanced code release to drive open source collaboration, reduce browser fragmentation & deliver true web rendering on smartphone devices..."

Does this look like something we might be able to get on the Z? Sounds like it would be perfect.

Mac Issues / Browsing And Sending Files Using Bt
« on: March 01, 2006, 02:54:55 pm »
I'm trying to browse and send files to and from my Mac running OS X 10.4 to my SL-6000, which has Bluez installed and a Socket Rev E BT CF. Although the Mac recognizes the Z, the Bluetooth File X-fer app says "Device does not have the necessary services" whenever I try to do anything.

What do I need to browse and send files? I've read a lot about OBEX (obextool, obexftp) and I know it's on Cacko, but I also know it doesn't install along with the BlueZ ipk.

Can someone please explain how to do something so simple? Where can I get obextool for the standard Sharp ROM? Is that all I need?

And before anyone recommends Affix, which has basic obex functionality, I've tried it, and it's rubbish: ipk errors, crashes, modules failing to load ... the lot.

General Discussion / Removing Screen Scratches
« on: February 20, 2006, 04:33:33 am »
Anyone have any recommendations for removing scratches from the Z's screen?

I dropped my stylus on a hardwood floor, picked it up, wiped it off, and began using it. But the tip had chipped imperceptibly, I think, and now there's a small scratch where I dragged the GUI scrollbar.

On this "iPod hacks" thread, Meguire's Mirror Polish and Displex were suggested for removing screen scratches. But my Z isn't an iPod, so I don't feel comfortable rushing out to buy a bottle. Does anyone have any experience with these or other brands?

Sharp ROMs / Affix Bluetooth Applet
« on: February 17, 2006, 07:45:05 am »
I installed the Affix Bluetooth libraries etc in anticipation of getting my Socket BT CF card in the post.

One thing that irks me is the microscopic size of the Bluetooth applet icon. Is there any way to enlarge this? I tried replacing the actual PNG files, but as you can see on this screenshot, there seem to be artificial constraints on the icon placement and size. The icon doesn't adhere to the dimensions of the PNG itself but is cropped to fit some arbitrary box.

I'm using blueapplet_2.0.1.0-2 from on the Sharp ROM 1.12 for the 6000 and I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!

6000 - Tosa / Need Files: Helpbrowser,
« on: February 09, 2006, 03:45:43 am »
My Help Browser app, as I've posted here, is causing the whole system to freeze every time I launch it from the Terminal, the GUI, or the "?" icon in another application (like Opera). No feedback is given for the crash. There's a pause, an hourglass, then...

So I'm thinking maybe my files are screwy because this isn't the original ROM, but a reflash from the "Grant clan." Does anyone have "helpbrowser" (in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/bin/) and "" (in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/binlib/)?

Still, it's all really strange. Help Browser, in the few times I used it, seemed like a glorified Opera, and I thought it was just a link to the index.html file in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/help/. Using Opera I can currently navigate through the help files (all HTML) located at /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/help/, though a lot of the images don't display.

Software / Translation File /i18n/libsl.qmid
« on: February 09, 2006, 03:17:27 am »
When launching NeoCal, I'm getting the following error:

"could not open translation file /home/QtPalmtop//i18n/en/libsl.qmid"

Then my Z freezes and I have to pop the battery to reboot. There may be two problems. One, I checked, and there really is no libsl.qmid in that directory. And two, the double forward slash after QtPalmtop in the directory path... is that normal?

This has never happened in a year of Z ownership, and suddenly I'm getting more than a few apps (Helpbrowser, to name another) that are freezing the system on execution. And all Help Browser seems to be is a link to Opera and an index.html file.

Does anyone have this file "libsl.qmid" so I could throw it in there and see what happens? Has anyone run into problems like this?

Software / Using Zaurus As Bluetooth Remote?
« on: February 07, 2006, 05:30:28 am »
Salling Clicker is an application that allows you to use your mobile phone or PDA as a remote to control media software on Mac and Win. I believe it allows data transmission through both Bluetooth and WiFi -- and possibly IrDA on newer Macs with FrontRow.

Using Salling Clicker as a "base" on the desktop, would it be possible to use the Zaurus as a remote? Unfortunately, it costs. But there's also free "Remote Basics" software for the Sony Ericsson x700 that gives that device full access to the Mac's primary media apps. Maybe this could be tweaked to support the Z?

What I want, really, is the ability to at least pause movies playing in Quicktime or VLC without having to walk across the room and without the huge battery drain of running VNC on my Z. Maybe this is already possible, and I just don't know.

Software / Help Browser (qt Help) Not Launching
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:06:28 am »
Odd problem here...

Help Browser, the QT system help application, isn't launching. In the GUI I get the hourglass and then the system freezes

 Launching via the Terminal, I hit enter and immediately get a system freeze.

Trying to launch Help from the round "?" icon in various applications gets me the same result: complete freeze. I have to pull the battery to get things back to normal.

Anyone else having this problem or know how to fix it? Any suggestions about how I could diagnose it better?

I'm on SharpROM 1.12 for the 6000L.

Software / Keroplayer
« on: December 22, 2005, 05:07:59 am »
Someone in the 3000/3100 thread posted about podcasting software for the Z, namely KeroPlayer (Google's English translation).

This app (written in Ruby) is super. It can handle a lot of different types of feeds (including video, apparently) and save the podcasts to SD for better storage. It can download all feeds automatically or selected ones manually, and as far I can tell, play them streaming or saved. No extra hassle if you've already got Kino and dmBlogger installed.

Big problem, though. It's in Japanese. So, like dmBlogger, I've made an attempt at a rough translation by working backwards from the Ruby commands and some trial and error.

Once you've installed KeroPlayer (and changed that awful icon), download this .zip file and replace the keroplayer.rb file with mine. Bingo! English GUI!

Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!

[EDIT: New improved version! I figured out more of the settings and errors. Should be complete and 99% perfect now. Also supplied replacement icons.]

General Discussion / Nokia's New Browser For Handhelds/smartphones
« on: November 03, 2005, 01:54:06 am »
Just the other day I read over an OE Forums thread where Zaurus users were bragging about having the only full-featured handheld Web browser.

Well, it looks like Nokia has got something good lined up with the S60. From their own page (apologies in advance for all the marketing buzzwords):

"The new Web Browser for S60 enables full Web browsing experience on mobile devices. The browser is based on the WebCore and JavaScriptCore open source components that are used by Apple’s Safari Internet browser. These components are based on KDE’s Konqueror open source project.

Benefits of Web Browser for S60

Superior user experience: innovative features and superior Web compliance provides one of the best Web browsing experiences on mobile devices, enabling use of full Web pages as they were designed
Extensibility: collaboration of S60 with the open source community will benefit the entire S60 community as it fuels innovation and ensures support for the latest Web technologies
Differentiation: S60 browser makes it easy to develop rich S60 applications on top of the browser, using open APIs and latest Web technologies
Interoperability: wide support of industry standards including W3C's HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS 1, 2, & 3 (partially), DOM 1, 2, SVG-Tiny, and Web standards such as, ECMAScript, Netscape style plug-ins such as Flash Lite and audio"

Any chance someone could get a hold of this and try to get it over to the Z? Sounds like this would be perfect for pdaXrom.

Accessories / What's The Cheapest Bluetooth Card That Works?
« on: October 26, 2005, 02:03:32 am »
Every day I'm finding more and more reasons to stick a Bluetooth module in my 6000.

What's the cheapest BT module that works (preferably right out of the box with the BlueZ drivers) with the stock Sharp ROM?

I'd really like a non-sitcky-outy CF card like the Sockets I've read about, but anything that works and costs little will be fine.

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