Author Topic: Need Files: Helpbrowser,  (Read 2484 times)


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Need Files: Helpbrowser,
« on: February 09, 2006, 03:45:43 am »
My Help Browser app, as I've posted here, is causing the whole system to freeze every time I launch it from the Terminal, the GUI, or the "?" icon in another application (like Opera). No feedback is given for the crash. There's a pause, an hourglass, then...

So I'm thinking maybe my files are screwy because this isn't the original ROM, but a reflash from the "Grant clan." Does anyone have "helpbrowser" (in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/bin/) and "" (in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/binlib/)?

Still, it's all really strange. Help Browser, in the few times I used it, seemed like a glorified Opera, and I thought it was just a link to the index.html file in /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/help/. Using Opera I can currently navigate through the help files (all HTML) located at /usr/QtPalmtop.rom/help/, though a lot of the images don't display.
Zaurus SL-6000L w/ Sharp ROM v1.12 - 1GB SanDisk CF - 1GB Lexar SD - Socket Rev. E BT CF | Mac OS X 10.5.x - iMac 24" 2.8Ghz | SIP: - 1 747 603 3461 (Gizmo/SIPhone)