Author Topic: How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?  (Read 39619 times)


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:05:33 pm »
This isn't a Mac "issue" per se, but it doesn't really belong in a non-Mac-related forum here.

We're a pretty geeky crowd here, and I was wondering how many of you fellow Z users are recent (as in, the past year) switchers to the Mac? You get one side on, for instance, the MacRumors forums, where non-techie folks seem to be a dime a dozen, but it'd be nice to get some idea of how many power users have taken the plunge.

For the record, I switched in the pre-iPod days.
Zaurus SL-6000L w/ Sharp ROM v1.12 - 1GB SanDisk CF - 1GB Lexar SD - Socket Rev. E BT CF | Mac OS X 10.5.x - iMac 24" 2.8Ghz | SIP: - 1 747 603 3461 (Gizmo/SIPhone)


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 02:14:22 pm »
This isn't a Mac "issue" per se, but it doesn't really belong in a non-Mac-related forum here.

We're a pretty geeky crowd here, and I was wondering how many of you fellow Z users are recent (as in, the past year) switchers to the Mac? You get one side on, for instance, the MacRumors forums, where non-techie folks seem to be a dime a dozen, but it'd be nice to get some idea of how many power users have taken the plunge.

For the record, I switched in the pre-iPod days.
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Linux linux linux and linux--and a win2k installation on an old scsi to run games
**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet,  BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.

**6000l  Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 02:45:18 pm »
This isn't a Mac "issue" per se, but it doesn't really belong in a non-Mac-related forum here.

We're a pretty geeky crowd here, and I was wondering how many of you fellow Z users are recent (as in, the past year) switchers to the Mac? You get one side on, for instance, the MacRumors forums, where non-techie folks seem to be a dime a dozen, but it'd be nice to get some idea of how many power users have taken the plunge.

For the record, I switched in the pre-iPod days.
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I switched about 2 years ago when the uni mandated laptops, and i didn't want to spend a year getting linux to work on it -> powerbook 12". My workstation and server are still running linux, though.
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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 02:46:39 pm »
I've also been a mac guy since before the iPod.  If anybody had technical mac questions, fire away.  That's what I do for a living.  I'm also a linux geek and keep one winxp machine for gaming.
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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 03:13:38 pm »
Converted to Linux (Offically) back in 2002...
(Dove into Mandrake, Redhat and Debian back in the mid-late 90's but never stuck)
Haven't looked back since... if I didn't have to use the Active Directory Admin tools at work... I would run Linux on my 'all' my pc's at work...
(I have a total of 3 desktops on my desk... Fedora, Solaris 10 and XP)

Sharp Zaurus SL-C3100 and SL-6000L
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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2006, 03:34:33 pm »
Hi, here my story:

I am a Mac user since 1992 and switched from M68000 to PowerPC and not yet to Intel (still waiting for the Powerbook G5 - oops - the MacBook Pro Merom). So, I used the Mac even before the modern Zaurus appeared (there was a non-Linux Zaurus 5800 with a full PCMCIA slot around 1996 and of course the Newton).

And before that I was a user of HP/UX 9.x and 10.x - at that time a really great system based on X11 and Motif/Xt. And even before NeXT was developed (but those guys knew the HP/UX system).

With this "heritage" the Zaurus was my first Linux system...

-- hns
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 03:35:18 pm by dhns »
SL5500G, C860, C3100, WLAN, RTM8000, Powerbook G4, and others...


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 03:52:26 pm »
Hi, here my story:

I am a Mac user since 1992 and switched from M68000 to PowerPC and not yet to Intel (still waiting for the Powerbook G5 - oops - the MacBook Pro Merom). So, I used the Mac even before the modern Zaurus appeared (there was a non-Linux Zaurus 5800 with a full PCMCIA slot around 1996 and of course the Newton).

And before that I was a user of HP/UX 9.x and 10.x - at that time a really great system based on X11 and Motif/Xt. And even before NeXT was developed (but those guys knew the HP/UX system).

With this "heritage" the Zaurus was my first Linux system...

-- hns
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I am a mac user since 1987 when my wife wanted a computer she could use without taking a class. Since that time I have tried LinuxPPC, Yellow Dog Linux and Debian. Each time I have tried a Linux flavor was due to the need of a command line interface, UNIX tools and programs found on X Windows. With Mac OS X, I am back to mac for good. I have had a performa, a PowerTower Pro, a 9500, a Silver Bullet (which I still have), an iBook provided by work and now a MacBook Pro. I would of waited for a merom based machine, but when my iBook died, my agency provided me a  Dell Lattitude piece of junk. I just am not productive on Windows so I bought my own mac laptop. I also owned a Newton which was crushed in the truck of the company car.

While linux is not new to me, the Zaurus is cool, especially after putting up with a hormonal palmos for the last few years.

Zaurus SL-5500, Kodak CF 32 & 256 MB, generic (pqi) 1 GB SD & polaroid 1 GB SD, tkc 2a3 with home on SD, Belkin F5D6060 CF WiFi Card, MacBook Pro 1.8 GHz Core Duo, OS X 10.4.10


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2006, 04:27:11 pm »
I have used Mac on and off for years with Mac Plus being used at home beside my linux workstations and servers.  I finally worn to a ibook at work since i did not want a windows machine and I still wanted to IT staff to take care of my workstation.  I still have a windows workstation but I uses my ibook for almost everything.

I am still debating if I will buy an macbook instead of a linux laptop when I leave my current job to take care of my own company.  I still have a few months to decide that though.
Jeremy "Nevarrie" Grant
OpenZaurus GPE(2.6 kernel)|GrantRom 0.01(e-image clone)
Targus IR Keyborad


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2006, 04:58:37 pm »
I'm new to mac in this last month.  I have a mac mini core solo.  I'm using  fetchmail, procmail, qpopper, postfix and stunnel to make a more secure mail server for my zaurus to retrieve mail from road runner.

The thing is a dream for having low power, small size, and the OS is both simple, powerful and flexible.  I'm still trying to make the time to learn launchd.  I wasn't interested in macs until OS X.

The mac is in the company of many boxes (gentoo, solaris 10 x86, kubuntu and xp) and a few laptops.
I'm now an iphone user and use my zaurii as serial terminals, perl and shell scripting and when I need 640x480 screens

sl-c3100/pda cacko 1.23 | sl-6000l/needs battery | sl-c760/server pdaxrom rc12 | Former sl-5500/tkcrom owner (sister's birthday gift)


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2006, 06:03:19 pm »
I got my first Mac about 1.5 years ago a 12" PowerBook and then about 3 weeks ago I got the new MacBook in Black. I love both machines! only problem I have had of late was when I got my 3200 I'm can see it on the MAC but am unable to see any files ect....
One of these days when things get quiet (like that will ever happen  ) I'm going to play around and try to figure it out.



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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2006, 11:36:25 pm »
I switched from a Linux desktop to a PowerMac G5 early this year. The experience has been a bit like when I sold my Porsche and bought a Corvette. I loved the Porsche but there were a lot of quirky little things that I had to ignore and there was always something that needed tuning or fixing. The Mac, like the Vette, not only has more power, it's much more usable as a daily driver

Now, I still have Linux on my Thinkpad, my web server, my MythTV system, a half dozen virtual machines, and of course, the Zaurus but those are special purpose environments where I can get a narrow arc of capabilities working the way I want and then leave it alone.


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2006, 05:54:27 am »
I'm a mac user since er. . . Thursday.

iBook G3 Dual USB (The sexier version of the iBook G4 in translucent white and magnesium instead of white plastic.) 700mhz, 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD, 14", Combo Drive, OS 10.4.7

Now, how do I get it hooked up to my 5600? ^^
Cortana: PXA250/Poodle: OZ/GPE 3.4.2RC1
Tycho PXA270/HTC_Universal WM5  .30.107/1.09.00/42.42.P8/1.30.162
HollyWatch: Fossil AU5005 - POS 4.1.2
ATLANTIS: Fujitsu Lifebook T4210 TBPC2005

Tosh256CF, Adlink CF 802.11B, 512KingSD, 128VikSD, CFChiMeiG1GPRS


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2006, 07:01:23 am »
I'll be a Mac user too in a few days. Have ordered a Macbook in order to replace my Windows PC at home.

Of course, I am also interested in the chances to synchronize Macbook and KDEPIM/PI on pdaXrom, also maybe setting up a cross-compiling envoronment for pdaXrom on the Mac etc etc.

I have never used a Mac by now, so I'll be totally new to this system.

Any recommendations regarding software for PIM?

Did someone even get KDEPIM/PI itself to run on the Mac?
Well, the Windows version can probably be used under Parallels, but it should also be possible to compile and use a native Mac version...

SL-C3200 with weeXpc, based on pdaXrom 1.1.0beta3
HP 200LX with MS-DOS 5.0


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2006, 07:56:22 am »
I used an Apple IIe back in the 80s ... that's about as close to a Mac as I ever did ... minus playing with executor emulator and couple of others ...

I might be getting another notebook in the new year and hey, might just get a mac! ... but as it is ... the Kohjisha is high on my list as a potential. 8D ... Although it does not have a touch screen ... it can still be pretty nifty in slate form as an ebook. 8)

Too bad Apple never quite make a convertible tablet ... and the only 3rd party modder company EOLed that family of products.
Akita (Daily use)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-C1000 with Cacko 1.23 full
Accessories: Wifi XI-825 CF  |  16GB (6) SDHC (Transcend) | 1GB 80x CF (RiDATA PRO-2) </span>

Collie (Sandbox)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-5500 with OZ/GPE alpha3 build 2006-04-27
Accessories: 512MB A-Data SD | 64MB Toshiba SD</span>


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How Many Of You Are Recent Switchers?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 04:50:13 am »
recently I played with a macbook and I was impressed with the ease of use and speed. best of all its unix based as far as I can tell. So I am saving for a macbook pro, unless I get impatient then i will grab just the regular macbook.
SL-C3100 current: Stock/Tetsu 18h
Socket BT CF Card
Linksys WCF-12 802.11b/Cheapie USB Ethernet

The Grinder