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Messages - egg8178

Pages: 1 [2]
Security and Networking / Howto: Ambicom Bt2000c Working On Z
« on: June 03, 2005, 02:40:14 am »
hi all, i'm new here, would like to know the progress of support on bt2000c from bluez, while clearly stated that it's working with bluez, yet I cannot make it to work with instruction from can some one explain the difference between those ipk? pre-emptive? from what i understand reading all those post in the forum, bt2000c indeed using the csr chipset, so I should install this too? -> bluez-csr-serial_0.1_arm.ipk -<
thanks for your time reading this, and yes, I'm new to linux, yet with all the "specific terms" used everywhere in the forum.. *sigh*  

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