Zaurus - pdaXrom / Installed Pdaxrom, Think I Already Messed It Up
« on: December 05, 2006, 02:20:53 pm »Quote
I too have run into the original posted problem - a few days ago I noticed that I only had one destination available for installations, where I was sure there had previously been several.I know that early versions of the graphical package manager were pretty hopeless and I recall similar problems to this being caused by it - perhaps this is still the case? You can use the command line tool quite happily (once /etc/ipkg.conf is rebuilt). As far as I know all versions use the same layout for the file:
Then the following day there are NO destinations, NO packages available, NO packages listed as installed.
ipkg from command line is helpless as well.
Turns out that /etc/ipkg.conf is empty... Don't know how it managed that, but if someone could post ipkg.conf from r121 I'd really appreciate it...
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Code: [Select]
dest root /
(With as many src and dest entries as you like)