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Messages - Drake01

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C1000/3x00 General discussions / Newbie Considering C1000
« on: March 29, 2006, 11:05:39 pm »
My old PDA is dying and I need a replacement.  I've been using the Palm platform for several years (Handera 330, specifically), but I'm seriously considering a C1000.  I considered getting a low-end Palm just for PIM and a couple utilities, but I feel I'll be losing a lot of functionality going that route.

I use Linux at home, but I've heard mixed reviews about PIM apps on the Zaurus.  What can I expect from the C1000 in terms of performance and ease of use?

Another reason I'm considering the switch is that I'm already invested in SD & CF memory and CF accessories from my old PDA.  It looks like my Symbol WiFi and my Targus modem cards will work, but I haven't seen much about my Kingston CIO10T ethernet card.  Does anyone know whether the Kingston card is compatible?

Another question about the CF:  It definitely looks like the C1000 has a CF slot that will accept IO devices, but I've read a couple times that the C1000 is missing the CF connector and associated chipset that the C3000 has.  Can I assume this is an internal slot that would contain the HDD on the C3000?  Since I'll have to order this from an importer, I'd like to understand what these "missings" refer to.

And since this is a Japanese market product which is re-flashed to support an English interface, am I going to encounter vestiges of the Japanese OS?  I would probably be annoyed if there are significant items in the OS that I can't read and which would inhibit my use of the device.

This is a great forum and I've found it very helpful.  Thanks in advance for your responses.

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