I've recently bought a second hand Zaurus SL-5500 and have become obsessed with it. The fact that the Zaurus is such a (comparitively) new platform to develop for has me wanting to jump in and help out with its development. And developing specifically for the Open Zaurus ROM, I feel, is the best way to do this.
I have experience in Linux (still learning), C/C++, Java and a smattering of x86 assembly. I've been working on my first large piece of software, a multi-user dungeon, for awhile and have almost completed the engine. But, alas, I don't feel anybody really needs this piece of software. I'd really like to put my effort into something that people need or want badly (so I could tease them with release dates like a donkey chasing a carot, etc. ). I also would like to release my software under the GPL... I hate seeing people charge money for Zaurus software.
So what can I do to help out? I'm willing to work on an independant project, port something or just about anything else.
I haven't even got OZ installed on my Z yet (no CF card), but I'm willing to learn everything I can about this fascinating handheld just to turn it into my bitch.
Thank you,
- Dustin Cox.