Three questions I'd like to ask, if you'd bear with me.
- has anybody successfully compiled a kernel for the Zaurus? If not, what are the main obstructions to doing so?
Qtopia and various modules (like the SD Card) are compiled against a particular revision, plus you need Zaurus specific patches. If you want to run any of Sharp's software at all you're stuck with the 2.4.20 kernel revision. If you want to try other kernels the Open Embedded people are doing a complete rom replacement using a 2.6 kernel, but it isn't quite ready yet. If you just want to recompile the existing kernel with different options there is information on kernel compiling in's howto section.
- does anybody use Z + serial cable as a TTY for headless boxes (e.g. debugging rack servers)? How can this be done (C3000 doesn't seem to have a serial port)?
The "service port" on the back of the 3000 is apparently still usable as a serial port. You can also, with the right kernel modules, use a USB->Serial convertor.
- does anybody know of an 802.11g card that can be persuaded to work with the C3000?
The CF slot on the Z can't handle "G" speeds, so don't bother unless you've got an all G network that you'd be bringing down to B speeds otherwise. I think there was one CF G card that was close to working, but not quite - check the forums as it was asked about recently. (AFAIK the fellow gave up and went back to a B card)
- (ooops, I've got a 4th ) is there a guide anywhere to language conversion from scratch? If I buy a Z it'll be via a Japanese friend of mine, and I'll need to do the conversion myself.
The conversion is really easy - you can search the Sharp Rom's forum for almost anything by Stubear - he made a really good script to hand convert.