Author Topic: Qtopia Rom 2.1.1  (Read 27598 times)


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2005, 01:54:33 pm »
Well there are definitely some kinks in this as well as some nice features...

1) The booting time seems to be quick (like that Trolltech logo too) - under 30secs on my 5000D

2) The System info has an additional Tab called "Data" which graphically shows how much of the total data area is broken up by Audio, Images, Mail, text, Video and free

3) There is a Today screen (I guess thats an OZ feature)
     (so question here - are the PIM apps DTM based ?) - That would be a DTM based Today app.

4) The Calculator is much better than the original- has Conversion, Scientific etc

5) The new Image viewer has a Slideshow feature
      (the bad feature is that it looks all over for all images - and not CF/SD/Internal/folder wise)

6) Oh, Trolltech embossed their logo on the clock too  
     But the clock has a Stopwatch and a Alarm clock built in (again an OZ feature ?)

7) The Plugin manager is nice - you can configure each little thing to be off or on kind off - got to use it more to appreciate its real value.

8) In Power management - the Disable suspend when online is a good thing - but damm - where is the normal suspend ?

9) As a seperate point - where is the suspend button ???    

10) The new Launcher is a good way of setting how to show icons - large or small for each tab seperately

11) The button settings (application launcher buttons) have a setting for Tap and one for hold - nifty

12) Coudnt really make out what the "Application services" is about

13) Full screen Handwriting is nice, but my handwriting comes out as scribbles - no character reconised as such

14) The Software packages is re-designed - but I couldnt get the KDEPIM apps to install at all, or even the older Text Editor - thats all I tried.

and lastly - where is the Suspend thingie ? I am having to switch it off from the back battery switch.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 01:55:49 pm by nilch »
New no more-C1000 / 5000D (sold my 6000 and 750) | Cacko ROM 1.23 on C1000 | 256 MB CF | 2GB PNY SD card | Socket Networker WiFi CF Card | USB Host cable from StreamlineCPUS | Mini Microphone (for voice recording) |


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2005, 05:32:03 pm »
Well there are definitely some kinks in this as well as some nice features...

1) The booting time seems to be quick (like that Trolltech logo too) - under 30secs on my 5000D

2) The System info has an additional Tab called "Data" which graphically shows how much of the total data area is broken up by Audio, Images, Mail, text, Video and free

3) There is a Today screen (I guess thats an OZ feature)
     (so question here - are the PIM apps DTM based ?) - That would be a DTM based Today app.
not an 'Oz' feature. This is Qtopia 2.1.1
4) The Calculator is much better than the original- has Conversion, Scientific etc

5) The new Image viewer has a Slideshow feature
      (the bad feature is that it looks all over for all images - and not CF/SD/Internal/folder wise)

6) Oh, Trolltech embossed their logo on the clock too   
     But the clock has a Stopwatch and a Alarm clock built in (again an OZ feature ?)
nope. Qtopia!  Remember, Opie is based on Qtopia and we have grabbed features and such from it.
7) The Plugin manager is nice - you can configure each little thing to be off or on kind off - got to use it more to appreciate its real value.

8) In Power management - the Disable suspend when online is a good thing - but damm - where is the normal suspend ?
9) As a seperate point - where is the suspend button ???   
Cancel button held is standard way for Zaurus to suspend. It also suspends on it's own.
10) The new Launcher is a good way of setting how to show icons - large or small for each tab seperately

11) The button settings (application launcher buttons) have a setting for Tap and one for hold - nifty

12) Coudnt really make out what the "Application services" is about

13) Full screen Handwriting is nice, but my handwriting comes out as scribbles - no character reconised as such
Read the help file. You can 'train' it Settings->Handwriting
14) The Software packages is re-designed - but I couldnt get the KDEPIM apps to install at all, or even the older Text Editor - thats all I tried.
Qtopia uses the old style ipkg format. It probably doesn't understand the newer style that Opie uses.
Any error messages?
and lastly - where is the Suspend thingie ? I am having to switch it off from the back battery switch.
Cancel button! or let is suspend on it own.
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech #qtopia


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2005, 05:37:03 pm »
Cancel button held is standard way for Zaurus to suspend. It also suspends on it's own.

I'm unable to make my 5500 suspend with the Cancel button with the rom from

I've not left it sitting for any great period of time however, I'll test when I get home to see if it'll auto-suspend on battery power.


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2005, 05:44:48 pm »
and lastly - where is the Suspend thingie ? I am having to switch it off from the back battery switch.
Cancel button! or let is suspend on it own.
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This is broken on the 5500 ROM. I found that if I left mine to its own devices on battery far from suspending it would in fact keep turning the backlight on to full power every few minutes.

It is not usable in this state.
SL-5500, Sharp ROM 3.13, Windows XP


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2005, 07:41:39 pm »
Looks nice, i DO like the bouncing icons

Just a few things...

1) Why is this thread in the Sharp ROM section when the ROM is based on OZ ?
2) Icons lose their titles when you rotate 90 degrees.
3) Suspend does NOT work by pressing Cancel button.
4) Too many icons under a couple of tabs (for my liking)
5) Help icon under Applications instead of Settings ?

thats about all i noticed in the 2 minutes before i reflashed back to my preferred ROM
SL-5500 with tkc 2.0 Alpha 3.0 (/home on SD)
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2005, 08:10:02 pm »
from a 6000 (and personal) perspective:

1). Lpotter's advancedfm in opie rocks. it should be here.

2). use a diiferent kernel source. the unified kernel stuff at seems like it would be a better bet--I think you'd have less hardware problems. (this is speculation--I am guessing that you used the OZ 3.3.6 kernel--nice for demo purposes I guess..but.... well the problems are pretty eveident.) Of course, there could be something else entirely causing the probs that wouldn't wouldn't be solved this way.

3) It seemed a little  slow.. but that could be just an impression.

4) I liked the qtopia logo on boot, and the autoreboot after flashing. I wonder though, whay when I flashed from my modified sharp stuff the thing didn't format cleanly?

The old OZ base really surprised me.  

It is appreciated.  I am curious to see how it ends up looking when "cackoized"
**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet,  BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.

**6000l  Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2005, 06:07:30 am »

The old OZ base really surprised me.

The old OZ base is significantly newer than the pre-historic Sharp base though (actually, I'm just assuming this - and I shouldn't - but I don't imagine that the 6000 source has changed significantly).

Or were you wondering why it wasn't buit with a newer OZ base (in which case it's probably that they used what was the current version when they started work and didn't want to mess about and update it part way through).

use a diiferent kernel source. the unified kernel stuff at seems like it would be a better bet--I think you'd have less hardware problems. (this is speculation--I am guessing that you used the OZ 3.3.6 kernel--nice for demo purposes I guess..but.... well the problems are pretty eveident.) Of course, there could be something else entirely causing the probs that wouldn't wouldn't be solved this way.

Indeed - do you have any reason to suspect this?

« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 06:09:57 am by lardman »
C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
Serial GPS, WCF-12, Socket Ethernet & BT, Ratoc USB
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2005, 12:48:55 pm »
Flashed 2.1.1 last night work great so far.
I have install Qtopia Desktop, but what USB drivers do i have to use ?
OZ version one ?

I have the good old USB Drivers c700 i was using for cacko, but USB device is not reconized atm.

I try to hunt down a good one.
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2005, 02:09:11 pm »
Actually i just noticed, when i boot my zaurus, my PC detected a C700, etc but when i suspend my zaurus and unsuspend. my PC detected a unknown device. So basically thats mean i ahve to reboo tmy zaurus everytime i want to sync  I guess its a beta bug
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2005, 04:13:07 pm »
If it's based on 3.3.6pre1, then have a look for my script (PXA version for you) to restart net-over-usb - this was a known issue with this version of OZ.

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
Serial GPS, WCF-12, Socket Ethernet & BT, Ratoc USB
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2005, 05:11:18 pm »
The reason I suspect it is based on 3.3.6 is that it says it is oz based and sharp compatible. It might be 3.2. It isn't so much that i object to using an older OZ for a base--given the desire for backwards compatibility. It is that in some way the desire for compatibility(shown by use of sharp compatible oz) has precluded compatibility(because that oz is older than the 6k and i am guessing is missing some hardware support)
 I am taking it as demo and nothing more. I do wonder, though, how likely  it is that anyone is going to make a working 6k setup based on an outdated, unsupported OZ, the point being that it seems that this particular arrangement will end up going nowhere on the zaurus 6000 platform. Presumably 2.1 will be pulled into cacko in the near future and maybe we will see qt 2.1 stuff in other roms built from the ground up, rather than on what was released here.  
as to it being based on a newer OZ..why bother..  opie is easily as good, if not better, from what little I have seen.

I guess my take on the old OZ/ current sharp issue is simply about function rather than currentness.  I would rather ride a healthy horse than try to drive a wheel-less car, regardless of which is the newer technology.  If support of new technology becomes the issue in some way, then  it is current  OZ that is of interest. either way, from the 6k perspective, it is an odd arrangement.
**3100 Zubuntu Jaunty,(working on Cacko dualboot), 16G A-Data internal CF, 4G SD, Ambicom WL-1100C Cf, linksys usb ethernet,  BelkinF8T020 BT card, Belkin F8U1500-E Ir kbd, mini targus usb mouse, rechargeble AC/DC powered USB hub, psp cables and battery extenders.

**6000l  Tetsuized Sharprom, installed on internal flash only 1G sd, 2G cf


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2005, 06:04:39 am »
I'd guess that they started work on it, using what was then the newest and best (IMHO) base ROM available, and this was all before the sl6000 was available.

Then, rather than change the entire base, they decided to merge in support for the sl6000 after its code was available.

In any case, I imagine that something useful for the 6000 will come out in the fullness of time - either, as you say based, on the 6000 code which Sharp released, or on OZ 3.5.3 (which I think supports the 6000).

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
Serial GPS, WCF-12, Socket Ethernet & BT, Ratoc USB
WinXP, Mandriva


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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2005, 06:47:31 am »
Disclaimer: I don't know more than you do, I'm just making educated guesses and stating personal opinions.

TT is in a dilemma with this ROM. They couldn't base it on anything newer than OpenZaurus 3.3.5 because that was the last release I did and then we abandoned the OZ buildroot. The OpenEmbedded buildroot was from the start tailored for modern base libraries and modern compilers. Up to date, no one of the core team was interested to do any work to include support for gcc 2.95.3 to OpenEmbedded - and since the ROM creator didn't/couldn't want to do this as well this is the reason why OE couldn't and can't be used for so called "compatible" ROMs.

This also means that TT can't easily add support for more machines, especially not the 6000, because OpenZaurus 3.3.5 didn't support it. This not only is a problem for the base machine support but also for the GUI, which you can evidently see when looking at the DocTab. TT doesn't have the source code from Sharp, so they would have to reinvent all the clever things Sharp did to Qtopia 1.5 (which is ironically the same situation we have with Opie).

I don't see much of a point in such a ROM. It's compatible to the 3rd party apps, yes, fine - but that's about it. IMO it would be much more wise to add Qtopia to OE or to add some of the Qtopia apps to OE or to Opie. This ROM just adds up to the fragmentation.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2005, 06:49:38 am by Mickeyl »

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | Embedded Linux Freelancer |
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2005, 10:17:30 am »
If it's based on 3.3.6pre1, then have a look for my script (PXA version for you) to restart net-over-usb - this was a known issue with this version of OZ.

[div align=\"right\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
For those who like me are looking for the script

This is the script
[a href=\"\.sh]\.sh[/url]

And the ipk:\.sh

It seem i still have a problem with my USB, i cant ping on each machine. So I tried on my zaurus
when i do a
ping my machine freeze (then i have to reset it), there was any bug OZ related about USB bug that was not working correctly on a c700 or something ?
« Last Edit: April 07, 2005, 12:58:29 pm by _Psycho »
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Qtopia Rom 2.1.1
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2005, 02:52:21 pm »
I don't see much of a point in such a ROM. It's compatible to the 3rd party apps, yes, fine - but that's about it. IMO it would be much more wise to add Qtopia to OE or to add some of the Qtopia apps to OE or to Opie. This ROM just adds up to the fragmentation.
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That's the impression I had, but thanks for the technical background, it's very informative