Well there are definitely some kinks in this as well as some nice features...
1) The booting time seems to be quick (like that Trolltech logo too) - under 30secs on my 5000D
2) The System info has an additional Tab called "Data" which graphically shows how much of the total data area is broken up by Audio, Images, Mail, text, Video and free
3) There is a Today screen (I guess thats an OZ feature)
(so question here - are the PIM apps DTM based ?) - That would be a DTM based Today app.
4) The Calculator is much better than the original- has Conversion, Scientific etc
5) The new Image viewer has a Slideshow feature
(the bad feature is that it looks all over for all images - and not CF/SD/Internal/folder wise)
6) Oh, Trolltech embossed their logo on the clock too
But the clock has a Stopwatch and a Alarm clock built in (again an OZ feature ?)
7) The Plugin manager is nice - you can configure each little thing to be off or on kind off - got to use it more to appreciate its real value.

In Power management - the Disable suspend when online is a good thing - but damm - where is the normal suspend ?
9) As a seperate point - where is the suspend button
10) The new Launcher is a good way of setting how to show icons - large or small for each tab seperately
11) The button settings (application launcher buttons) have a setting for Tap and one for hold - nifty
12) Coudnt really make out what the "Application services" is about
13) Full screen Handwriting is nice, but my handwriting comes out as scribbles - no character reconised as such
14) The Software packages is re-designed - but I couldnt get the KDEPIM apps to install at all, or even the older Text Editor - thats all I tried.
and lastly - where is the Suspend thingie ? I am having to switch it off from the back battery switch.