Author Topic: Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc  (Read 48334 times)


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2005, 02:38:05 am »
Well after a lot of searching of this forum, and pm'ing with several members, googling etc, I have it working nicely except for a few quirks.

The short story, I use Act as my primary database.  I used the full version of Intellisync to sync my palm 3xe against act. To accomplish the same thing with the Z is a multi-part strategy.

- Install the version of intellisync that comes with the 2.xx sharp roms.
- Set it up to sync against Palm Desktop or Outlook
- get companionlink to sync between ACT and PD/Outlook
- configure security on your Z (usually have to select Qtopia Desktop as your application otherwise you'll get a zillion security popups on the Z)

- use the zsync.bat method to run the sync easily (from this thread)
- have you rbeverage of choice and toast your success.

Now, to the non working stuff. Using Palm Desktop, changes made on the Z are not synched. Changes made on PD always make it to the Z. I'm told that 2 way synching works fine with Outlook but haven't tested it myself yet.

So basically if I make a calendar entry on the PD, sync, I look in the Z and there is the calendar item. Now I delete this item from the Z and sync, well intellisync now shows 1 item to sync from PD to the Z, it's the item I just deleted. I've had another forum member confirm the same thing.

Any ways around this?

Also, any way to NOT have to run intellisync with admin rights on Win2k? It will not synchronize otherwise, nor can you adjust many settings.


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2005, 05:47:04 pm »

* Zaurus SL5500
* OZ 3.5.3
* OPIE 1.2
* Standard OPIE PIM (no Kopi/Kapi)
* Connected through USB craddle, IP is


* Gentoo Linux
* KDE 3.4
* usb0's IP is


* TCP/IP communication is OK between hosts (ssh to and from the zaurus, ...).

* I can sync with QtopiaDesktop 1.7.0.

* Badly, I can't get to do it with Kontact/KDE. I configure it as stated in another post of this thread, and MultiSynk tells me that it managed to read local data (both addressbook's and calendar's, but that's nothing too impressive), and that it managed to get connected, and then nothing more. Obviously, no data has changed, neither on the Z nor on the PC.

Any idea, someone?

Edit: At last, I managed to synchronize with Kontact. Only that it doesn't want my root password, but some weird synchronization-specific password (Qtopia + random chars). I wasn't aware of this until I monitored qtopiadesktop's traffic with ethereal.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2005, 09:57:37 am by larrycow »


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2005, 08:35:52 pm »
what are peoples /etc/network/interfaces files saying for usb networking(through the cradle)? I'm trying to get mine to work, but something's not right. Thoughts?
C3200(exiguitas) Angstrom Beta(version not designated)/GPE
SL-5500(immotus) OpenZaurus 3.5.4/GPE, OpenZaurus 3.5.4/Opie(loopmount)
1GB SD Card
128MB CF Card/8MB CF Card
Gentoo/Windows XP Home SP2

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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2005, 10:28:00 am »
what are peoples /etc/network/interfaces files saying for usb networking(through the cradle)? I'm trying to get mine to work, but something's not right. Thoughts?
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I recently switched over to the OZ rom..  Since then I haven't been able to connect to it thru the USB cradle either...      If I try to run ifup usbd0 I get
SIOCSIFNETMASK: no such device
SIOCGIFFLAGS: no such device
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: no such device

This was with a stock flash of 3.5.3...

Have you had any luck???  I'd flash again but I have no way of getting the image onto the  CF card.. Guess I need a CF reader for my laptop..  :-(


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2005, 10:53:04 am »
I recently switched over to the OZ rom..  Since then I haven't been able to connect to it thru the USB cradle either...      If I try to run ifup usbd0 I get
SIOCSIFNETMASK: no such device
SIOCGIFFLAGS: no such device
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: no such device

Ok so I'm stupid..  I didn't have the usb cable plugged into the PC..  BUT I still have an issue enabling the USBD0 device (always have since upgrading to OZ..  (2 months I think)..    

So as of now.. The device is "up" but not assigned an IP address.. I can not run ifdown or ifup against it...

ifdown responds with:
route: SIOC[ADD|DEL]RT: no such device

lsmod does show usbdcode and usbdmonitor if that helps...    (also begining to think this was the wrong thread for this) (sorry bout that)


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2005, 07:07:22 pm »
mines working. I upgraded to 3.13(Sharp) and it just started working. my /etc/network/interfaces reads
Code: [Select]
#Zaurus(USB) interface
iface usb0 inet dhcp
My Z is set to run a dhcp server, otherwise you'd have to set both computers(Z and laptop) to use a static IP address
C3200(exiguitas) Angstrom Beta(version not designated)/GPE
SL-5500(immotus) OpenZaurus 3.5.4/GPE, OpenZaurus 3.5.4/Opie(loopmount)
1GB SD Card
128MB CF Card/8MB CF Card
Gentoo/Windows XP Home SP2

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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2006, 12:31:33 pm »
My Opinion is that syncing should work out-of-the-box, not with these ugly hacks. Yes, I know they are trivial things for some of us, but OZ should work for people without Linux Knowledge!
* Sharp Zaurus C760
* 1 GB + 256MB SD Kingston
* Symbol CF Wifi
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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2006, 02:03:48 pm »
My Opinion is that syncing should work out-of-the-box, not with these ugly hacks. Yes, I know they are trivial things for some of us, but OZ should work for people without Linux Knowledge!
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This is not a distribution (OZ), but a environment (Opie) problem. Syncing GPE with opensync works flawless in OpenZaurus.
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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2006, 03:39:30 pm »
My Opinion is that syncing should work out-of-the-box, not with these ugly hacks. Yes, I know they are trivial things for some of us, but OZ should work for people without Linux Knowledge!
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This is not a distribution (OZ), but a environment (Opie) problem. Syncing GPE with opensync works flawless in OpenZaurus.
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Oops, correct. Wrong forum
* Sharp Zaurus C760
* 1 GB + 256MB SD Kingston
* Symbol CF Wifi
* Pielframa Leather Case