Well after a lot of searching of this forum, and pm'ing with several members, googling etc, I have it working nicely except for a few quirks.
The short story, I use Act as my primary database. I used the full version of Intellisync to sync my palm 3xe against act. To accomplish the same thing with the Z is a multi-part strategy.
- Install the version of intellisync that comes with the 2.xx sharp roms.
- Set it up to sync against Palm Desktop or Outlook
- get companionlink to sync between ACT and PD/Outlook
- configure security on your Z (usually have to select Qtopia Desktop as your application otherwise you'll get a zillion security popups on the Z)
https://www.oesf.org/forums/index.php?showt...thorized+system- use the zsync.bat method to run the sync easily (from this thread)
- have you rbeverage of choice and toast your success.
Now, to the non working stuff. Using Palm Desktop, changes made on the Z are not synched. Changes made on PD always make it to the Z. I'm told that 2 way synching works fine with Outlook but haven't tested it myself yet.
So basically if I make a calendar entry on the PD, sync, I look in the Z and there is the calendar item. Now I delete this item from the Z and sync, well intellisync now shows 1 item to sync from PD to the Z, it's the item I just deleted. I've had another forum member confirm the same thing.
Any ways around this?
Also, any way to NOT have to run intellisync with admin rights on Win2k? It will not synchronize otherwise, nor can you adjust many settings.