Author Topic: Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc  (Read 48337 times)


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:55:57 am »
I keep seeing posts about trying to sync with OZ, I know nothing about sync'ing as it's not something I've done for a long, long, long time.

I'd like to create a doc which lists the options and drawbacks of the various methods.

I wonder if those of you who do, or who have tried and failed to varying degrees could post to say what does & doesn't work. Please include - your PC OS, your OZ version (& settings in the security applet if applicable), connection method, the sync software (with an URL might be nice ;-)), what does & doesn't work in the sync process, etc.

Many thanks,

C750 OZ3.5.4 (GPE, 2.6.x kernel)
SL5500 OZ3.5.4 (Opie)
Nokia 770
Serial GPS, WCF-12, Socket Ethernet & BT, Ratoc USB
WinXP, Mandriva


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2005, 06:18:48 am »
I keep seeing posts about trying to sync with OZ, I know nothing about sync'ing as it's not something I've done for a long, long, long time.

I'd like to create a doc which lists the options and drawbacks of the various methods.

I wonder if those of you who do, or who have tried and failed to varying degrees could post to say what does & doesn't work. Please include - your PC OS, your OZ version (& settings in the security applet if applicable), connection method, the sync software (with an URL might be nice ;-)), what does & doesn't work in the sync process, etc.

Many thanks,

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OK, this is how I do it to my windowsXP laptop via an ad-hoc wireless connection.
Haven't used the cradle for some time but this works under OZ3.5.1, OZ3.5.2, and OZ3.5.3

PC Info
CPU:Intel Pentium M 1.4GHz
Ethernet:RealTek RTL8139/810x
Wireless:Intel PRO/Wireless LAN 2100
OS: WindowsXP SP2

Zaurus Info
Wireless:Senao/Origo 80211b WLAN Card
OS: OZ3.5.3 (Opie)


PC Configuration

In "Wireless Network Connection Properties"

Select Wireless Networks Tab
- Add a new connection
- Set SSID = zaurus
- Check box titled "Data Encryption (WEP enabled) and enter a key
- Check box titled "This is a computer-to0computer (ad hoc) network..."

Click OK to Apply

Select General Tab

Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties button.

In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window

General Tab

- Select Obtain an IP address automatically
- Select Obtain DNS server address automatically

(This is for my normal WLAN config when at home with the notebook PC)

Alternate Configuration Tab

- Select User configured
- Enter IP address:
- Enter Subnet Mask:

Click OK on all windows to close.

Zaurus configuration

Under Settings Tab, select Network
Select the Connection 802.11b (wlan0) and tap Configure

Set the following:

General Tab
- Set Mode: Ad-hoc
- Set SSID: zaurus

Encryption Tab
- Enable Encryption
- Enter Key 1 to be as on PC
- Set Non-Encypted packets to Accept

Under static IP Configuration set
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

Tap OK and close Network Configuration

ping and ssh connection is now possible to zaurus from PC using suitable software such as PuTTY
(Note: may need to restart network interfaces on the Z)


PC Configuration

Intending to sync with Microsoft Outlook 2002 SP2

Install Intellisync 1.43E on the PC and configure to sync calendar / contacts / todo with Microsoft Outlook

Note: For Mail sync you would need to use QtMail from the Sharp ROM but this does work if installed.

Now, if you try to Sync using the supplied programs then IntelliSync will complain with the following:

"Please change USB address on Zaurus to" and will modify it's config accordingly

This is because the wireless LAN connection is using so to get around this copy a file in the directory "C:\Program Files\Sharp\Intellisync for SL\QtDBTemp" called "NetStat.dat" to "OZ_NetStat.dat" and modify the line containing TermIP to read "TermIP  :"

Now create a bat file called zSync.bat containing :

cd "C:\Program Files\Sharp\Intellisync for SL\QtDBTemp"
copy OZ_NetStat.dat NetStat.dat
cd ..

Create a desktop shortcut to the bat file and double click this to perform the sync. When the sync completes then the above complaint "Please change USB address on Zaurus to" will appear. Click OK and ignore.

Zaurus Configuration

Under Settings Tab select "Security"
select the Sync Tab
Set Accept sync from network to:
Select Sync Software to be "Qtopia 1.7"

  Calendar Syncs with Outlook reliably
  ToDo Syncs with Outlook reliably
  Contacts Syncs with Outlook reliably
  Mail was capable of syncing last time I tried with QtMail

Sorry if some of the information is a bit sketchy but I haven't touched the intellisync end for some time and can't remember where I got version 1.43E from.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 06:22:21 am by TheCrook »
[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']SL-5500; Hentges 3.5.3 Opie ROM 64-0
Origo WiFi CF; Ambicom BT2000-CF
256MB SanDisk SD; 128MB Crucial CF


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 05:13:09 pm »
On my Collie is Openzaurus 3.5.3 (Hentges version w/ cardfs).

On my Desktop is Debian Sid running KDE 3.4.

I sync using a Netgear MA701 in my zaurus.

The newest version of the Kontact Suite (Kmail, Kaddressbook, Korganizer, etc) has multisync built in.  I had it syncing with the Opie-Pim apps under a default 48-16 OZ 3.5.3 a week ago.  I will test it out on my Hentges version tonight in case that is broken.  I set a static IP on the Z, and in security told it to allow from a specific IP (my desktop). On the desktop I set the second plugin to Opie and off it went.

Qtopia-desktop is not only NOT an option, but it is a waste of some developers time in my opinion.


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 11:18:30 pm »
Qtopia Desktop 1.7 from Trolltech works with OZ 3.5.3 Opie and windows (wirelessly at least).

Just make sure you set up how you want to connect in the File>Settings>General tab.

Happy Syncing!
SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.2  Opie
SL-6000L - ?
128 mb Viking CF
256 mb Kingston SD
512 mb Sandisk Ultra II SD
Linksys WCF12 Wireless card


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2005, 09:00:57 pm »
Qtopia Desktop 1.7 from Trolltech works with OZ 3.5.3 Opie and windows (wirelessly at least).

Just make sure you set up how you want to connect in the File>Settings>General tab.

Happy Syncing!
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Would you mind explaining how you set this up?  I have only the red disconnect taskbar icon in Qtopia 1.7.  Can't seem to connect although the Zaurus network seems to show it is at an IP address of and is working. I'm using the 802.11b (wlan0) setting in network settings on the Z.
I set Qtopia to Local Area Network but still no green connection.

Thanks in advance.
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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2005, 09:36:23 pm »
I didn't really set anything up.  Just make sure you're using the Qtopia Deasktop from the web site and not one that came with your Zaurus since they use different formats.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2005, 09:36:52 pm by Jcroto1 »
SL-5500 - OZ 3.5.2  Opie
SL-6000L - ?
128 mb Viking CF
256 mb Kingston SD
512 mb Sandisk Ultra II SD
Linksys WCF12 Wireless card


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2005, 10:00:19 am »
I didn't really set anything up.  Just make sure you're using the Qtopia Deasktop from the web site and not one that came with your Zaurus since they use different formats.
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I reflashed using the 40-24 instead of the 64-0 because I want to put Opera in internal memory and just like you say,  the sync worked right off the bat - well,  I had to say accept "any" in the security settings and put the IP address of the Zaurus in the Qtopia 1.7 settings,  but it worked like a charm.

Thanks for your inspiration!  
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SL-3200 from Sharp ROM| SL-C1000: Pdaxrom Beta 3


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2005, 10:50:24 pm »
syncing from Evolution - Linux to Z 3.5.3.

Set up the Z:

create the following sym links from / to /home/root:
ln -s /home/root/Applications ./Applications
ditto Documents and Settings

In Multisync configure:

Create first plugin as Ximian and set the options to Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks

Create the second plugin as Opie and Zaurus and set the options as:
Z ip address
port 4242
user root
password "password"

On the main menu set Calendar, Address, and Tasks

Good luck:


Penguin Man

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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2005, 11:42:24 am »
SL-5500 (Collie)
OpenZaurus 3.5.3 / GPE
Ubuntu Linux 5.04 (Hoary) - kernel 2.6.10 (stock)

Setup on PC:
- Installed multisync
- Installed GPESync plugins from binary packages, as described here
- Generated ssh key (as described on above page)
- Added the following lines to /etc/network/interfaces:
Code: [Select]
mapping hotplug
script grep
map usb0

iface usb0 inet static
        name USB to Zaurus
        up iptables -t nat -F
        up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT -o wlan0 --to
        up echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
        post-down echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
        post-down iptables -t nat -F

Note that my connection to the internet is through wireless card wlan0.  If you're using a regular wired connection, you probably need eth0 istead. is my desktop's IP address (wlan0 =  The iptables lines are to let the Z use the desktop as a gateway to connect to the internet.
- Setup a Multisync pair with first plugin as GPE (IP address and second plugin as backup, although second plugin could be anything.

Setup on Zaurus
- Copied over ssh public key from desktop, added to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- chmod -R 600 ~/.ssh
- Installed nsqld via ipkg - will not work without this - I tried

That's it.  If the Zaurus has been suspended since the last reboot, then when I put it in the cradle, I have to run "/etc/apm/scripts.d/usbnet resume" on it before it'll connect to the computer.  Once it's connected, I just hit the Sync button in Multisync and it does its thing.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2005, 11:42:40 am by Penguin Man »


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2005, 04:37:36 pm »
I didn't really set anything up.  Just make sure you're using the Qtopia Deasktop from the web site and not one that came with your Zaurus since they use different formats.
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I reflashed using the 40-24 instead of the 64-0 because I want to put Opera in internal memory and just like you say,  the sync worked right off the bat - well,  I had to say accept "any" in the security settings and put the IP address of the Zaurus in the Qtopia 1.7 settings,  but it worked like a charm.

Thanks for your inspiration!  
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Are you guys syncing through the USB cradle, or the network? I just flashed to OZ 3.5.3 32-32 today and can't get Qtopia 1.70 to connect to the cradle. What should the IP address of the Zaurus be? Which network USB setting should I use on the Zaurus?  
B. Ross Ashley
Home desktops: Hewlett-Packard Kayak XM600 running Xandros Desktop Home Edition Premium (4.1), on a P3 Coppermine processor w/ 20G harddrive, 256 MB RAM; Abyss X2 server running on a local shop-built special with Intel Celeron 1.8GHz processor, 40G harddrive running Win XP Home SP2; and my wife's eMac running OS X3.9

Handheld: C860 running CACkO 1.23, with a Panasonic Class 2 1G SD card and a GXT 1G CF card; AmbiCom WL1100C-CF wifi card, and a CE-AG06 camera card.


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2005, 06:26:17 pm »
I didn't really set anything up.  Just make sure you're using the Qtopia Deasktop from the web site and not one that came with your Zaurus since they use different formats.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=81706\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I reflashed using the 40-24 instead of the 64-0 because I want to put Opera in internal memory and just like you say,  the sync worked right off the bat - well,  I had to say accept "any" in the security settings and put the IP address of the Zaurus in the Qtopia 1.7 settings,  but it worked like a charm.

Thanks for your inspiration!  
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=81805\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Are you guys syncing through the USB cradle, or the network? I just flashed to OZ 3.5.3 32-32 today and can't get Qtopia 1.70 to connect to the cradle. What should the IP address of the Zaurus be? Which network USB setting should I use on the Zaurus?  
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I'm not using the cradle - am using my wireless card to connect wirelessly to my Windows XP PC through the Qtopia desktop 1.7.
On your Zaurus,  with your wireless card inserted and its green light on, find the network icon under the settings tab and click on it,  write down the IP number displayed next to the "802.11b (wlan0) line.  Mine is may be different and sometimes mine is instead.

On your zaurus go to the security icon and click on the green icon that looks like a "refresh" symbol.  Change the first drop down box to "Any";  change the second dropdown box to "Qtopia 1.7",  click "okay".

On your PC, open Qtopia 1.7 - click on file, settings. Click on the "General" icon, select the LAN choice, put the IP number you wrote down from your Zaurus in the box,  choose your sync preference in the "Sync" tab,  click okay.

The connection icon in the Windows taskbar should change to green.

You can transfer files from your pc to the zaurus by clicking on the "documents" icon in Qtopia 1.7 desktop or sync by choosing the sync all icon at the top.
I have not been able to get the backup/restore feature to work though.

Let me know if you need more help.
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SL-3200 from Sharp ROM| SL-C1000: Pdaxrom Beta 3


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2005, 01:43:52 pm »
I didn't really set anything up.  Just make sure you're using the Qtopia Deasktop from the web site and not one that came with your Zaurus since they use different formats.
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=81706\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I reflashed using the 40-24 instead of the 64-0 because I want to put Opera in internal memory and just like you say,  the sync worked right off the bat - well,  I had to say accept "any" in the security settings and put the IP address of the Zaurus in the Qtopia 1.7 settings,  but it worked like a charm.

Thanks for your inspiration!  
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=81805\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]
Are you guys syncing through the USB cradle, or the network? I just flashed to OZ 3.5.3 32-32 today and can't get Qtopia 1.70 to connect to the cradle. What should the IP address of the Zaurus be? Which network USB setting should I use on the Zaurus?  
[div align=\"right\"][a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=83866\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a][/div]

I'm not using the cradle - am using my wireless card to connect wirelessly to my Windows XP PC through the Qtopia desktop 1.7.
On your Zaurus,  with your wireless card inserted and its green light on, find the network icon under the settings tab and click on it,  write down the IP number displayed next to the "802.11b (wlan0) line.  Mine is may be different and sometimes mine is instead.

On your zaurus go to the security icon and click on the green icon that looks like a "refresh" symbol.  Change the first drop down box to "Any";  change the second dropdown box to "Qtopia 1.7",  click "okay".

On your PC, open Qtopia 1.7 - click on file, settings. Click on the "General" icon, select the LAN choice, put the IP number you wrote down from your Zaurus in the box,  choose your sync preference in the "Sync" tab,  click okay.

The connection icon in the Windows taskbar should change to green.

You can transfer files from your pc to the zaurus by clicking on the "documents" icon in Qtopia 1.7 desktop or sync by choosing the sync all icon at the top.
I have not been able to get the backup/restore feature to work though.

Let me know if you need more help.
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Just messaged you ... I'm not wireless yet.    Do you know any way to set up USB networking through the cradle on Windows?
B. Ross Ashley
Home desktops: Hewlett-Packard Kayak XM600 running Xandros Desktop Home Edition Premium (4.1), on a P3 Coppermine processor w/ 20G harddrive, 256 MB RAM; Abyss X2 server running on a local shop-built special with Intel Celeron 1.8GHz processor, 40G harddrive running Win XP Home SP2; and my wife's eMac running OS X3.9

Handheld: C860 running CACkO 1.23, with a Panasonic Class 2 1G SD card and a GXT 1G CF card; AmbiCom WL1100C-CF wifi card, and a CE-AG06 camera card.


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2005, 08:03:40 am »
OZ: 3.5.3
Opie with Kopi /Kapi

Debian / KDE / Kontact/ Korganizer

TCP/IP via USB since wlan not working yet...

I followed this guy here.

He installs open-ssh on the Z for Replacement of the Dropbear, because the latter can't produce ssh-keys, which are needed for passwordless ssh/scp.

he then uses the 'remote file' feature of kdepimpi to scp his Kaddressbook/Korganizer-files to the Z , sync them, and scp them back to the Desktop.

It runs shmooove :-)

I think the removal of dropbear in favor of open-ssh isn't obligatory, but then you will have to write your user-password of the desktop system in plaintext into the config-dialogue of kdepimpi, if i'm right (anyways the change from dropbear to openssh isn't too painful, and its a nifty feature to be able to "ssh Zaurus 'command' " without passwords) .

direct link to "passwordless ssh" from Linux-Gazette here
OZ 3.5.3 OPIE
256MB HAMA SD-Card
TwinMos B220 i802.11b Wlan-Card (not-working yet :-( )
SanDisk Connect Plus Wlan+128MB CF (at least the Wlan seems to work :-))
Debian Sid / KDE 3.4 on AMD64-3000
Scratchbox 1.0


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2005, 01:39:10 am »
Install Intellisync 1.43E on the PC and configure to sync calendar / contacts / todo with Microsoft Outlook

Now create a bat file called zSync.bat containing :

cd "C:\Program Files\Sharp\Intellisync for SL\QtDBTemp"
copy OZ_NetStat.dat NetStat.dat
cd ..

Create a desktop shortcut to the bat file and double click this to perform the sync. When the sync completes then the above complaint "Please change USB address on Zaurus to" will appear. Click OK and ignore.

Zaurus Configuration

Under Settings Tab select "Security"
select the Sync Tab
Set Accept sync from network to:
Select Sync Software to be "Qtopia 1.7"

Sorry if some of the information is a bit sketchy but I haven't touched the intellisync end for some time and can't remember where I got version 1.43E from.

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This works pretty darn swanky on my SL-5500/OZ3.5.3 against a Win2k machine, except for 1 thing. Each time I sync, I have to click allow to at least 5 security dialogs on the Z:

 an unauthorized system is requesting access to this device.
 you chose intellisync so you may I (sic) allow or deny this connection

2 buttons, allow or deny

I have to watch the screen and click allow at least 5 times for it to complete. In the opie security settings, I've tried both and, same problem each time.  I know I've seen this problem mentioned on other oesf forums, but the forum search tool seems to always fail if I use more than 2 or 3 search words.

I just want to have it auto authorized for the 1 ip (my win2k desktop) that I normally be synching from.


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Syncing - Effort To Create A Definitive Doc
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2005, 01:57:58 am »
This works pretty darn swanky on my SL-5500/OZ3.5.3 against a Win2k machine, except for 1 thing. Each time I sync, I have to click allow to at least 5 security dialogs on the Z:

 an unauthorized system is requesting access to this device.
 you chose intellisync so you may I (sic) allow or deny this connection

2 buttons, allow or deny

I have to watch the screen and click allow at least 5 times for it to complete. In the opie security settings, I've tried both and, same problem each time.  I know I've seen this problem mentioned on other oesf forums, but the forum search tool seems to always fail if I use more than 2 or 3 search words.

I just want to have it auto authorized for the 1 ip (my win2k desktop) that I normally be synching from.
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Actually, it's worse than I thought, I have to click accept like 50 times just to sync 2 test records from the palm desktop software. :-(  

There's gotta be a better way.

P.S. I have to run the zSync.bat (and intellisync in general) as an admin for anything to actually work. Anyone know of any workarounds for that?