For those who want to stick with Cacko 1.22 but also want to have a taste on pdaXrom without touching NAND or whatsoever (It's me ), here are some sharings on how I dualboot my Zaurus C760.
Firstly, for sure, you need to have Cacko 1.22 with hotfix installed:
Get Cacko hereSecondly, get an ext2 or ext3 formatted SD card. To obtain, simply follow this guide:
Step-by-step CF/SD fdisk/formatting for newbies. Remember to unplug and plug the SD again to remount.
Then, download the scripts required: Unzip and place them on the machine, for instance, I place all the extracted files at /home/zaurus/Documents
Download the pdaXrom tarball: either
pdaX-SD.tar.gz or
pdaX-1.0.5-SD.tar.gz. I am not sure whether the latter is the real 1.0.5. Let's pick this one.
Transfer and extract the tarball to the root of SD card. To do this, you need to have gtar installed in order to let the system understand the "p" flag to preserve permissions, the gtar package is included in
$ su
# ipkg install /home/zaurus/gtar_1.13.25-1_arm.ipk
# cd /mnt/card/
# gtar -zxvpf pdaX-1.0.5-SD.tar.gz
Next, follow these steps:
# mount -o rw,remount /
# mkdir /sbin/sys
# cp /sbin/init /sbin/sys/init
# rm /sbin/init
# cp /home/zaurus/init /sbin/init
# cp /home/zaurus/pivot_root /sbin/pivot_root
# chmod +x /sbin/init
# chmod +x /sbin/pivot_root
Since there are changes on the filesystem in Cacko 1.22, line 12 in the /sbin/init script needs to be altered:
mount -n -r -t cramfs /boot/usr.bin /usr -o loop
mount -n -r -t squashfs /boot/usr.bin /usr -o loop
I also attached the modified /sbin/init script, for the sake of convenience.
It's nearly the end, remount / as read-only and reboot:
# mount -o ro,remount /
# reboot
Your Zaurus should now boot into pdaXrom with SD plugged in, and boot into Cacko otherwise. When booted into pdaXrom, login as root and issue startx.
Although this guide may looks idiot, like me, I did put a hard effort on dualbooting my Z (Stu should know, Many thanks ). I hope someone can benefit from it. Corrections and suggestions are welcome.