I want to report some weird behaviour of my sl-6000L. I am using the Sharp Rom 1.12 with no special tweaks.
The other day, suddenly wifi stopped working (small icon in systray showed red arrow) . I had that once before and rebooting solved the problem. However not this time. I found out that starting the network applet did not load the modules (prism2_usb and p80211) and dmesg reported that 'hub.c could not attach devices' (cannot recall precise error messages). Becoming somewhat desperate I reflashed my 2-days-old nand backup: no effect. Flashed newly downloaded SHARP rom: no effect. Formatted in maintenance mode: no effect. Take out the battery for some time: no effect, etc, etc .
Just before I was going to throw z6000 in the WindowsBin I tried the ZAURUS TEST option (10) of the maintenance mode (reset with d+p key, screen 4). This menu has a couple of scarying options, one of them being CheckWLAN (9). Running this option made the beautiful wifi-green led (had no seen it flashing ever since the problem started) blink at me and gave me hope. After closing the menu and resetting/rebooting the red arrow in the network applet has disappeared and wifi worked again (just in time) .
I have no idea what caused the problem, and how to avoid it in future (or how to solve it in an easier way).
Hope this info is of some use for zauriers who run into the same problem.