wondering if anyone has been able to compile ax8817x.o for the z3000?
it seems my new usb ethernet card works only with the above module...
ive set up a development environment on a linux box.... got the c3000 kernel source (2.4.20)
problem is, this module was only added from 2.4.22 onwards....
so how would one go about getting this working on the z? can it handle non 2.4.20 modules and how do you compile 2.4.22 (straight from kernel.org) for arm?
there are many usb ethernet cards that use this chipset, would help a lot of people if we get this going
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This largely depends upon the Kernel features that the driver is dependent upon.
Typically what you would need to do if the driver is available as a patch is apply the patch to a kernel source tree. Correct all the .rej files where the patch didn't apply (manually) this would normally add the build options too. Then build the modules.
If you are talking about something thats in the stock 2.4.22 Kernel then you need to identify all source files that relate to that driver, copy them into the 2.4.20 source and add the build options both to the Makefiles and the config options.
Either way, if you succeed in doing this the next polite thing to do is diff the source tree against an original to make a 2.4.20 patch for that driver so that all communities writing Kernels for the Z can benefit.
- Andy