Author Topic: Reflashing Sl-5600  (Read 2238 times)


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Reflashing Sl-5600
« on: June 18, 2005, 10:01:26 am »
I just bought a used Zaraus SL-5600 from a friend. He has a bunch of stuff installed and rather than uninstalling everything, I would like to reflash the ROM with the clean OS. I searched these forums and can't find any specific information on this. I would like to install the original OS as this is my first PDA although I been in computers for awhile. The stuff I did get with the SL-5600 is the USB docking station, wall/car chargers, CF camera, CF 802.11B WiFi card and a 32MB CF card. A webpage would be helpful or even someone explaining it here. Thanks!


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Reflashing Sl-5600
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2005, 11:17:38 am »
Hello rabidjade,

If all your looking to do is reset the unit to factory defaults so all applications and data are removed, it's fairly straight forward.

1. Plug in the external power cord from the USB cradle.
2. With the unit turned off, flip the "Replace Battery" switch and remove the battery cover.
3. With the cover removed, locate the reset switch located just above and to the left of "Replace Battery" switch, and press it with your stylus.
4. Replace the battery cover, don't forget to flip the "Replace Battery" switch back.
5. Turn the unit over, press and hold the "OK" button while simultaneously pressing the "Cancel" button to turn the unit on.
6. You will see a menu, select the option labled "3. Format". This will erase all data and applications within the unit allowing you to start with clean system.

** This will not delete your ROM, that is done with another option in the menu. **

There's lot of places this information is available as well as steps for flashing the unit with another ROM.
A quick Google Search should do the trick.

Hope this helps, but as always, standard disclaimers apply. ;-)
.::PDA I currently use::. Zaurus 5600 PXA250 running OPIE/OZ 3.5.4
.::PDA's I've owned (Grouped & in order)::. Palm Pro w/2Mb&IR upgrade, Palm III, Palm IIIxe, Handspring Visor Prism, Sony NR70V, (Sony Clie NX70V/H & Amigo PPC), (Palm Pro, Palm IIIX, Palm IIIxe), Zaurus 5600
.::Accesories::. Ambicom WL1100c, Ambicom BT2000, Kingston 256MB SD card, Sandisk 1GB SD card, AG06 Camera.
A big thank you to all developers involved in any Zaurus project.