I guess this is two different, but very related issues:
1. On a poodle, can I dump /dev/mt* as an image to a file and back and they'll still work exactly as they were before, i.e., is this viable as an image backup method? Is this the same file format as the initrd.bin images and can I use these when duing a firmware update?
2. There's no linux 2.6 jffs2 driver I hear, that's OK - but is there a way to generate jffs filesystems either with 2.6 (mkfs.jffs2?) or on the Z itself? How are the initrd images generated?
On a side note, anyone wear out the flash in their Zs? How many flashes have people done without any issues? How about fat16 - AFAIK about FAT16 if it was implemented as a magnetic media filesystem, certain regions of the disk will wear out quite fast, will CF/SD media auto-remap bad regions, even if the bad region ends up in the FAT itself?
Just worried about burning out my flash...