Author Topic: Ideas For Xml -> Html Conversion?  (Read 1353 times)


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Ideas For Xml -> Html Conversion?
« on: October 06, 2005, 05:23:02 am »

I use the StageOne outliner a lot but I am not satisfied with its HTML export feature.
So I'd like to use an external solution.

StageOne saves the outlines in XML format.

What tools and ways are there to convert an XML file into HTML with style sheet (CSS1 or CSS2) support? A command line tool would be great as I'd want to embed it into shll scripts. C source code would also be great. I don't like Perl, Python or other scripting languages as I do not want to fiddle around with interpreter installation on my Zaurus.

And any idea how to convert drawings (which StageOne also saves inside the XML as a kind of vector description) to GIF for embedding into the target HTML file?

Thanks a lot!

SL-C3200 with weeXpc, based on pdaXrom 1.1.0beta3
HP 200LX with MS-DOS 5.0


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Ideas For Xml -> Html Conversion?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 05:40:56 am »
Here is an example StageOne file with some items (Level 1-3), a note and a drawing.

Does this kind of storing drawings in XML follow any standard (which is ideally even supported ny a conversion tool) or is this proprietary?

I'd like to convert it to nice-looking CSS-featured HTML and the drawing as a GIF file embedded into the HTML.

Thanks for any hint.

(For some reason attaching a file did not work, so I quote the file contents below):

Code: [Select]



 Â     This is a simple note for an item.



 Â    2,0,0,0,107,123,107,122,108,120,128,107,127,110,157,97,164,92,177,83,193,76,197,

 Â    2,0,0,0,188,118,187,118,186,117,185,115,183,106,182,102,185,95,186,93,192,91,197

 Â    2,0,0,0,241,115,240,114,238,112,235,108,234,106,234,95,245,92,261,93,263,95,268,

 Â    2,0,0,0,217,125,218,125,218,127,218,135,218,138,218,142,218,143,218,148,218,149
 Â    2,0,0,0,188,140,189,140,190,142,193,148,195,149,198,154,200,156,205,159,206,160,





« Last Edit: October 06, 2005, 05:47:36 am by daniel3000 »
SL-C3200 with weeXpc, based on pdaXrom 1.1.0beta3
HP 200LX with MS-DOS 5.0


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Ideas For Xml -> Html Conversion?
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 10:29:00 am »
You could write an XSLT transform that takes the XML and churns it into html.  I compiled the libxslt for pdaxrom so it could be done pretty easily on the Z.

I'll try to check out stage one... if it's something I might use I could probably do a stylesheet someday.
