JPMATRIX, and all ...
Thank you for all the help, finally I managed to install all the packages as described in JPMATRIX howto (same versions) and everything works!
I am very exited specially because I am in the road a lot and for security reasons I was not using my Zaurus as much as I wanted (I am traveling with a Windows Laptop - work, Mac Power Book G4 12" and my Zaurus - personal), the only way that I found / could improve my internet sccess was either using company cisco vpn (that I do not like for personal purposes), and a personal Vpn from Witopia for my G4 (sotware package).
Recently I discovered another provider of personal vpn - HotSpotVpn, that actually offers as an option OpenVpn compatibility.
Now I am able to "securely" connect my Zaurus while on the road using OpenVpn and HotSpotVpn2 Virtual private service.
The service is not inexpensive, but having a way to reliably securely connect is worthed; I even contemplated the option of setting a box in my house to either SSH or Install OpenVpn server but everything always boils down to how to recover the service if a system failure happens and I am on the road .
In any case thank you again ......
I just wanted to share with others the effect of your help.