I've actually been relatively content with the Sharp ROM -- relatively, I mean, compared to what else is on offer. Anything that involves extensive terminal tweaking after flash is enough to put me off changing: maybe because I'm lazy, maybe because I'm stupid, or maybe because "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" seems like pretty a good philosophy for something I use every day for writing, e-mailing, PIM and listening to music. I really can't afford to have it in some half-finished beta state.
For all intents and purposes, the Qtopia/Sharp ROM is polished and stable, if not exactly feature-rich. I personally would rather see enhancements to it instead of a slew of whole new projects, but that might only be because I have no coding skills whatsoever and an aversion to heavy-duty tinkering (which I'd say goes beyond the definition of tinkering).
One thing I can't understand is, why can't we find a 6000W ROM and extract the Bluetooth software modules from there? (I think guylhem's got one already.) That way, the 6000 would have native BT support and we could be ahead of other models in at least one software category.