Release Name: squashfs3.0
First release of Squashfs3.0. Squashfs 3.0 is a major
improvement to Squashfs, and adds everything (or most) of the
things people have been asking for: larger than 4GG
filesystems and files, hardlinks, etc.
1. Filesystems are no longer limited to 4 GB. In
theory 2^64 or 4 exabytes is now supported.
2. Files are no longer limited to 4 GB. In theory the
maximum file size is 4 exabytes.
3. Metadata (inode table and directory tables) are no longer
restricted to 16 Mbytes.
4. Hardlinks are now suppported.
5. Nlink counts are now supported.
6. Readdir now returns '.' and '..' entries.
7. Special support for files larger than 256 MB has been
added to the Squashfs kernel code for faster read
8. Inode numbers are now stored within the inode rather than
being computed from inode location on disk (this is not
so much an improvement, but a change forced by the
previously listed improvements).