I've just finished writing a new game for all Zaurii and Linux PCs called Pipepanic.
It's a pipe connecting game similar in a way to Pipe Mania but more like Pipeman for Qtopia.
It's written for SDL, runs in all resolutions using either low or high resolution images and plays in both landscape and portrait modes.
I haven't got it on elsix yet but I'm going to do that next. I've attached the ipk if you are interested in playing it.
For screenshots visit the project page -
http://thunor.org.uk/pipepanic/screenshots.html[img]http://www.users.waitrose.com/~thunor/pipepanic/images/pipepanic02.png\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" /]
I have tested it on my SL-5500 extensively but I haven't got a newer model. I have no reason to doubt its compatibility with other models because I ported GNU Robbo a while back and I got that running on everything with the help of you chaps.
Let me know if there's a problem.