I've been hunting around for a couple of hours now trying to get the low-down on what image files go where to change what part of the interface on an OZ/Opie install on a 3200. (which is a very nice device BTW )
So far what I've learned is that:
most or all of the images can be found in the directory /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/
The main menu icon is go.png
The rest are mostly application pics and easy enough to figure out.
That's it. Pretty sad huh? The problem is that many of the snippets of advice are scattered about amongst four or five web sites, maybe more. It seems as though gpe is different from Opie which is different from Cacko and Qtopia and so on. One set of instructions doesn't seem to match another, or the directory structure on my Z.
What I'd like to see or create is a reasonably good reference so that people don't need to work for this. You just look up your distro and your environment and there you are: The startup screen is named this and goes there. You can change this effect in Opie but not in Qtopia.
How cool would that be? Then it could be put here:
https://www.oesf.org/index.php?title=C3000_...omisation_Guideor in some other useful place where people can find it, and create their own themes without the hunt and peck nightmares that I've been having for the last two hours, when I'm supposed to to be working.