i am pleased to announce that i have got sound working, meaning if you disable suspend on hinge close and map the volume slider to net/prev track then it becomes a nice media player (i use mpd)
basiacally i had to use alsamixer to enable "duplicate front' (haha, just found the pipe and " buttons), PCM is the master volume, master is the speakers and surround is the headphones, being able to have the speakers and headphones at 2 different volumes and being able to mute ethier or both is very handy
dontforget to set output to 48000hz in the program or .asoundrc
as for my desktop, i have included a pic. i tried gdesklets but was unhappy with the very high cpu usage ad over 170MB of ram usage for 4 applets
also i like firefox's spell check so expect an improvement n spelling, that and the keyboard finally beginning to be broken n means i will be using this device alot more
files will be up soon (kernel, x.org xorg.conf, asoundrc, keymap for console and X, and others (what did i forget?)
also included my current sa setup, still polishing it but it gives me the stats i what (notification of music change, eth plug in and out, power including charge and discharge time, message notification and to top it off cpu and hard drive temp (very handy)) the start menu in the top left is the gnome 'smart start menu" aka main menu and the bottom left is the window selector applet,its nice as it displays a link for each program on every virtual desktop, not just the one you are on and its small so i replaced the task bar with it. maxes switching virtual desktops easier
i expect now that i have sound working that i sh ould have a bit of extra motivation to do the other stuff . adding matchbox and running stuff similar to the Z is my next goal after full hardware support
and finally some extra productivity hints fr size constrained keyboards, my setup is F1 - xterm, F2 - Maximise program, F3 - web browser, F4 - (alt + F4) close app, F5 - F8 switch between virtuap desktps. if you know you app names well then i would change F3 t a "run command" app