ok, here in Singapore, I can confirm that the Kohjinsha appeared at the iKnown store under PA Mart in a world book fair in Suntec.
Two models: Black 40gb, White 100gb
Both: 512mb, touch-screen 7" *LED* backlight etc.
Only complain I have is that the keyboard ... is very stiff and small. It's more like the size of a Jornada keyboard, but stiffer. It would be more touch-typeable if it were softer. Maybe using it for a while will loosen it up, I don't know.
4-5hr batt life ... supposedly anyway.
Hope I'm not writing things that you already know.
oh, did I mention, that it has a promo price of SGD$1050 for the black unit and SGD$1199 for the white unit? Converts to 687.623 USD and
785.200 USD respectively.
Still deliberating on getting it. If the keyboard is nicer and I'm not so used to my notebooks, I would have gotten it already.
It's nice and all ... too bad, they did not install any tablet related app to really show off the tablet mode. It comes with WindowsXP Home, and not XPTablet. Installing Office is supposed to make hand recognition work.