Author Topic: Graphic Program For Sprite, Pixel (zaurus Sl5500)  (Read 2408 times)


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Graphic Program For Sprite, Pixel (zaurus Sl5500)
« on: December 27, 2006, 03:25:47 am »
Hi guys!

I'm looking for a graphic program for my Zaurus SL5500.

I would like to make pixel art - placing pixels in a high zoom level. Could you please recommend a free/shareware program?

I have already tested some programs:

QP-Photo (not very accurate, no grid available)

Sprite Studio
(that would be great, but there is no download available  !)

It could be of course a photo program or similiar, it should just offer a high zoom level.

Actually a Microsoft Paint would be enough!

Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance,
