Hello Lutz,
what a surprise to hear from you! It's great to see that KDEPIM/PI is still - well - maintained (if not "actively under development" anymore).
The vanishing of pi-sync.net and the fact that version 2.2.7 now is almost 3 years old suggested that you dropped the project entirely.
How about the sync features?
As far as I understood, you intended to make KDEPIM/PI compatible with a lot of sync partners, also using SyncML, and also with Outlook.
Any plans for KO/PI Outlook sync under Windows?
I must admit I have switched to outlook and Windows Smartphone for the PIM stuff now, this is necessary for me for my work, and I actually hate it. OTOH I don't want to maintain more than one calendar / todo list etc., so I switched away from KO/PI, although I really, really liked it (as you know :-).
Having outlook sync would again allow useds like me to use KO/PI while not having to maintain different calendars.
And thanks for 2.2.9! Will anyone compile it for pdaXrom? :-)