Thanks Varti!
I am not so sure it is okay to close the trouble ticket at ibiblio. I have tried, without success, to add my two cents to that trouble ticket. As offroadgeek mentioned in his 2010 post about oesf coming back online back then, and are part of the package. I have not checked ZUG, but can say for sure that we are still denied access to, and that is an essential part of else do we find out about software, all in one place?
And the wiki issue still needs to be worked on, although that is an independent topic, and I will add to the subforum here about that. It is just as essential as, but we need someone who is willing to restore it - if not as an active wiki, at least as a static image of it's last state, because where else can we find how-to's about embedded linux? Those pages are classic...
It is possible that is getting worked on, but with no update from offroadgeek, no way to know for sure.