Author Topic: Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]  (Read 18404 times)


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Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2007, 07:08:35 pm »
hey, I just wanted to give you soem happy words. 
My year old 3200's microdrive died so, I replaced it with a cf card.  It's been in for about a month with issues as of yet  

Now if I could find a good deal on something with mor capacity than 512MB......

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What do you consider a "good deal?"  I'm pretty sure I've seen 4GB CF cards for as low as US$35.
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yeah, these damn things are so cheap nowadays. i remember when i bought my first one, it cost me several hundred dollars...
SL-C3000 - pdaXii13 build5.4.9 (based on pdaXrom beta3) / SL-C3100 - Sharp ROM 1.02 JP (heavily customised)
Netgear MA701 CF, SanDisk ConnectPlus CF, Socket Bluetooth CF, 4GB Kingston CF,  4GB pqi SD, 4GB ChoiceOnly SD, 2GB SanDisk SD USB Plus, 1GB SanDisk USB Plus, 1GB Transcend SD, 2GB SanDisk MicroSD with SD adaptor, Piel Frama Leather Case, GoldX 5-in-1 USB cable, USB hub, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB ethernet, USB HDD, many other USB accessories...
(Zaurus SL-C3000 owner since March 14. 2005, Zaurus SL-C3100 owner since September 21. 2005) - zBook3K


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Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2007, 04:03:31 pm »
 I suppose good deal wasn't the proper use of words...  I have to wait until college stops eating up my funds!!

C3200 (Conics) Pdaxrom r198
Symbol cf wifi
GE USB host "cable"
Nokia 770 (Woot!)


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Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2007, 07:52:30 pm »
I suppose good deal wasn't the proper use of words...  I have to wait until college stops eating up my funds!!

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I remember those days... after buying computer / technology upgrades and beer, there wasn't much left!
Device: SL-C3200 running pdaXii13v2 build 5.5.0
Networking: Symbol Spectrum24 WLAN card; Kingston CIO10T CF NIC
Storage: 4GB Transcend 150x SD; 16GB Transcend 133x CF; 4GB Seagate CF HDD; 4GB Patriot SD
HID: Logitech V450 Laser Mouse; generic silicone USB keyboard; 2 generic optical mice; stock plastic stylus
GPS: generic "UT-41" USB GPS Receiver
Case: neoprene case from my old Palm foldable keyboard


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Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2007, 02:15:53 am »
I suppose good deal wasn't the proper use of words...  I have to wait until college stops eating up my funds!!

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I remember those days... after buying computer / technology upgrades and beer, there wasn't much left!
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beer was cheap in those days... they gave student discounts on beer so it only cost $1... great times those were...
SL-C3000 - pdaXii13 build5.4.9 (based on pdaXrom beta3) / SL-C3100 - Sharp ROM 1.02 JP (heavily customised)
Netgear MA701 CF, SanDisk ConnectPlus CF, Socket Bluetooth CF, 4GB Kingston CF,  4GB pqi SD, 4GB ChoiceOnly SD, 2GB SanDisk SD USB Plus, 1GB SanDisk USB Plus, 1GB Transcend SD, 2GB SanDisk MicroSD with SD adaptor, Piel Frama Leather Case, GoldX 5-in-1 USB cable, USB hub, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB ethernet, USB HDD, many other USB accessories...
(Zaurus SL-C3000 owner since March 14. 2005, Zaurus SL-C3100 owner since September 21. 2005) - zBook3K


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Harddisk Upgrade/replacement? - [replaced!]
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2013, 07:35:40 pm »
The 6GB Hitachi micro-drive in my SL-C3200 failed.
I have successfully replaced it with a SanDisk Compact Flash Ultra 30MB/s (UDMA enabled) card (SDCFH-008G-U46).
The card is reported in Angstrom kernel 2.6.24 as;

   hda SanDisk SDCFH-008G, CFA DISK Drive