I also would like to see all this information in one place.
1) Will I need to reformat the microdrive myself beforehand? Or will the installer do it for me?
pdaxii13 installer has an option to re-partition and reformat the hard drive to the default Sharp settings, (which are the same for Cacko), but you will also need to place the default files/folders back into /hdd1 and /hdd2.
These files/folders are available at Trisoft
It consists of the folders called /.sys and the necessary files for these folders. These consist of:
It also has a README to help you to add these files to your partitions.
2) Do I need to reformat/repartition the root partition on the Zaurus? I had to change it to 121 for pdaxii3, so do I need to change it back for cackoROM or doesn't it matter?
This area needs to be addressed in one place where everyone can find the necessary information.Sorry, I do
NOT have an answer for this, and someone that has returned to Sharp/Cacko from pdaxrom and has formatted their root partition to the infamous "121" size, needs to answer this. See my
Note: below.
3) I read somewhere that cacko loads lots of things from the SD/MMC card to free up memory, but does it actually have to do this even with the 3200? I'd rather have it all run from flash/microdrive if possible?
Sharp/Cacko is contained in Flash and you can install additional programs to Flash.
In Sharp/Cacko some programs may be installed to SD/CF through the GUI installer. The GUI installer will
NOT install stuff to the hard drive. If you want to install stuff on the hard drive in Sharp/Cacko, you must either re-format your /hdd3 FAT partition to linux, or create a 4th partition, (using a linux filesystem), then install stuff on it using the commandline. The GUI will not install to this partition.
In Cacko, you can place a swapfile to your FAT formatted /hdd3.
I Hope this covers questions #1 & #3.
Note: (Maybe the original Sharp NAND backup from Trisoft will do this, I don't know) Does anyone have a definitive answer to this?
It is my understanding when returning from pdaxrom to Sharp/Cacko, one should flash to the default Sharp ROM, then use the Cacko instructions to install Cacko, and making sure your partitions are correct.
Cacko does have a menu item in the installer to resize the root partition.
http://www.tyrannozaurus.com/?q=cackoMaybe you don't have to Flash to Sharp first. When I buggered up my Cacko install, I reflashed to Sharp, then reflashed to Cacko, but that's just me.
Beside reading the "Cacko" section at tyrannozaurus, you may want to read the pinned "Cacko Rom 1.23 Is Released" topics in the Sharp forum.