The main reason that I am looking to change is that I cannot get Bluetooth to work on pdaXrom 0.198, I can get hcitool scan to see other devices and I can even pair with the Zaurus from my phone, but cannot get ppp to come up and make the connection.
I got ppp to connect to my old ISP (the one I used before I got DSL at home) using my C1000 running r198.
I did it manually and I did edit a few things to get it working:
in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
# PIN helper
pin_helper /usr/local/bin/bluepin_static;
# Local device class
class 0x3e0100;
# Default link policy
# none - no specific policy
# rswitch - allow role switch
# hold - allow hold mode
# sniff - allow sniff mode
# park - allow park mode
lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;
I created the /usr/local/bin/bluepin_static script as thus:
echo "PIN:"
This is what I did to pear with my mobile:
hciconfig hci0 up
modprobe rfcomm
rfcomm connect rfcomm0 &
pppd /dev/rfcomm0 115200 name connect "chat -v ABORT BUSY ABORT ERROR ABORT \"NO CARRIER\" \"\" AT OK-AT-OK atz OK atx3l1 OK ats7=60 OK atdt CONNECT"
Also /etc/ppp/pap-secrets should look something like this:
# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client server secret IP addresses
#or maybe
#client server secret